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中文 英文
少将 major general in army,air force and marine corps
少妇 young married woman
短少 short of
不少 not a few;considerable
至少 at least
少有 scarce;seldom;rare;scarcely;rarely
少许 a few or a little
少数 a few;minority
少奶奶 wife of the young lord
多少钱 how much money

中文 英文
减少 cut down on
缺少 lacking in
少量的 a small quantity of
多多少少 a certain extent
修剪;减少 cut back
少些;一点 a little of
少许;少数 a few
n. 少女 girlie
很少;稀罕 hardly ever
n.汗少症 hypohidrosis
多少;稍稍 in some measure
n. 少量 modicum
n.女;少女 Jill
n.血钙过少 hypocalcemia
n.血球过少 hypocytosis
ad. 至少 leastwise
n.海军少校 lieutenant commander
n.陆军少将 major general
多至;不少於 no less than
n.多少随便 q.v.
a. 很少的 tiny
n.闺女;少女 damsel
n.闺女;少女 damosel
最低限度;至少 at least
n. 少年时代 boyhood
n.极少的机会 dog's chance
减少;紧缩开支 draw in
n.稀少;纤细 exility
n.少女;姑娘 fille
n.红血球过少 hypoglobulia
n.少年;年幼 juvenility
n.减轻;减少 lessening
n.少量;些许 littleness
n.中尉;少尉 looey
n.中尉;少尉 looie
ad. 少,稍 poco
n.少年感化院 reform school
旅客甚少走过的 untraveled
n.年青;少壮 youthfulness
n.少年犯感化院 borstal
n.冷落;卖座少 absent treatment
v. 减少,变小 diminish
n.限制v.减少 downhold
n.无花果;少许 fig
n.白血球减少症 leucopenia
n.少数民族问题 minority problem
adj.不减少的 nondecreasing
n.少年犯拘留所 remand home
n.十几岁的少年 teens
n.少年感化农场 work farm

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