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中文 英文
cause;reason;because of;to follow
远因 remote cause
因子 factor
因为 since;as;because
因数 factor
因果 cause and effect
因此 thus;for this reason;therefore
皆因 only because
基因 gene
病因 cause of a disease;origin of a disease
起因於 to be caused by;to result from
咖啡因 caffeine

中文 英文
因为 by reason of
因果 cause and effect
因为 on account of
因为嫉妒 out of envy
由於;因为 by virtue of
因..道歉 apologize to for
由於;因为 as a result of
因..有名 be famous for
因..有名 be known as
n. 因子 gene
凭藉;因为 on the strength of
因..而病倒 be in bed with
因..而著名 be reputed to
n. 缅因州 Maine
adv.因此 and so
n.未知因素 X factor
因..而著名 be noted for
n.利诺卡因 lignocaine
因B而感谢A thank a for b
n.饲者;原因 breeder
控告某人因某事 accuse of
n. 爱因斯坦 Einstein
n. 贝多因人 Bedouin
因某事感谢某人 be obliged to someon
因某事感谢某人 be thankful to someo
因..筋疲力竭 be exhausted with
感激某人因某事 be grateful to for
n. 因果关系 causality
n.宇宙因果律 causationism
adj.外因的 exopathic
基因座;所在点 loca
n.因循;妥协 temporization
因..向..求助 appeal to for
conj. 因为 because
因..而声名狼籍 be notorious for
a. 成为原因的 causative
n.[药]海洛因 diamorphine
n.整组遗传基因 genome
因为..某种原因 one reason or anothe
因某事向某人报仇 revenge oneself on .
n.咖啡因;茶硷 thein
因为;为了..缘故 because of
因缺乏金钱等而受窘 be hard up
n.爱因斯坦相对论 Einstein theory
n.病因学;病源论 etiology
adj.遗传因子的 genic
n.遗传型;因子型 genotype
ad. 因此,据此 hereby
adv.於此;因此 hereupon
n.因缘;因果报应 karma

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