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中文 英文
场所 site;place;arena
场合 situation;occasion
疆场 battlefield
机场 airport;airfield
林场 logging station
立场 position
当场 on the spot
牧场 ranch
商场 market
沙场 battlefield
入场 admission;to enter a meeting place
球场 court;field
舞场 ballroom
试场 test ground
上场 take place;appear
下场 result;conclusion;fate
终场 end of a show
战场 battlefront;battlefield
早场 morning show
靶场 a shooting range
撞球场 billiards saloon
运动场 playground;sports arena
行刑场 execution ground
下半场 the second half of a game
上半场 first half of a game
网球场 a tennis court
停车场 parking lot
体育场 stadium
跑马场 race course
拍卖场 mart
溜冰场 skating rink
撑场面 to keep up appearances
篮球场 basketball court
竞技场 arena
火葬场 cinerator;crematory
滑冰场 a skating-rink;a rink
飞机场 airport
菜市场 grocery market;vegetable market

中文 英文
到场 be on the scene
战场 field of honor
强迫退场 bowl out
n.猎场 hunting ground
n.战场 war field
n.铸钟场 bell foundry
n.养鸭场 duckery
v. 退场 exeunt
n.田径场 ground track n field
室内体操场 gymnasia
n.飞机场 landing field
n. 场所 lieu
n.牡蛎场 oyster farm
n.试验场 proving ground
当时;当场 then and there
猎场看守者 velveteen
n.拍卖会场 bidding block
n.棒球场地 ball park
n.海水浴场 bathing beach
n.保龄球场 bowling alley
n.拳赛场地 boxing ring
n.买方市场 buyers' market
n.合作农场 ejido
n.农场经营 farm management
n. 饲育场 feedlot
n.浅水渔场 fishing banks
n.鱼场设备 fishworks
n.漂布工场 fullery
n.终场演奏 grand finale
n. 养鸡场 hennery
n.劳动市场 labor market
n.恋爱场面 love scene
n.金融市场 money market
n.自由市场 open market
n.救济农场 poor farm
n. 肉场圆 quenelle
入场券;票子 tesserae
泥炭;跑马场 turves
n.屠场;肉贩 butchery
n.坟场;墓地 burying ground
n.盐田;盐场 brine pan
n.会馆;议场 assembly hall
n.拜神的场所 adoratory
n.红土网球场 clay court
n.景幕;收场 dropscene
n.庄园;牧场 fazenda
n.高尔夫球场 golf course
n.农场;牧场 hacienda
挥霍;狂欢一场 live it up
n.磁场;磁界 magnetic field

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