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中文 英文
agreement;or so
预约 to preengage
隐约 ambiguous
要约 to enter into an agreement or contract
新约 the new testament
协约 agreement
相约 to have a date
违约 to break a promise
特约 to engage by special arrangement
爽约 to break an appointment
商约 business contract
契约 contract
聘约 appointment
纽约 new york
盟约 a treaty;a concordat
立约 make agreement
节约 to conserve;to save
俭约 frugality
婚约 engagement;marriage contract
合约 contract;agreement
和约 peace treaty
公约 pact;convention
大约 about;thereabout;approximately
约略 brief
约瑟芬 josephine
预约金 subscription

中文 英文
大约 or so
n. 婚约 betrothal
n.约克郡 Yorkshire
後退;违约 fall back
毁约;背叛 go back on
与..约定 make an appointment
n.纽约市 new york city
n. 誓约 vow
n. 约耳书 Joel
prep.约 approx
a. 契约的 contractual
n.契约佣工 indentured servant
n.新约圣经 new testament
n.旧约全书 old testament
n. 受约人 promisee
n.约克郡布丁 Yorkshire pudding
n.契约之受方 covenantee
n.契约之授方 covenantor
浸泡;约略看过 dip into
n.生活无约束 free liver
n.婚约;抓牢 handfast
n.婚约;抓牢 handfasting
n. 担保契约 hypothecation
简单地;简约地 in a nutshell
n.合同之草约 letter of intent
n.协定;协约 mise
n.英国约克郡人 Yorkshireman
n.旧约西番雅书 Zephaniah
n. 约会,指定 appointment
n.新约圣经一书 Thessalonians
n.公约;公约数 common divisor
n. 协定,协约 entente
n.全权;无约束 free hand
总而言之;约言之 in a word
n.婚姻契约证书 marriage articles
v. 先约,预约 preengage
n. 节约,繁荣 thrift
n.片面义务契约 unilateral contract
n.协约;友好和约 concordat
n.希腊之旧约圣经 Septuagint
n.约克党;约克派 Yorkist
n.文件箱;契约箱 deedbox
n. 节约,经济化 economization
n.约旦之正式国名 hashemite kingdom of
n.无约束;无禁止 nonrestraint
n.先约;预先约定 preengagement
n. 约纽商品交易所 Comex
v. 预约,订,显示 bespoken
v. 预约,订,显示 bespoke
v. 预约,订,显示 bespeak

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