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中文 英文
红利 dividend;bonus
红军 red army
红豆 red bean
红灯 red traffic light
红茶 black tea
红斑 erythema
分红 to get bonus
红雀 linnet
红娘 woman go-between for lovers
红土 laterite
红颜 young beauties
血红 blood red
猩红 blood-red
花红 premium
红字 the scarlet letter by nathaniel hawthorne
红肿 red swelling of the skin
红藻 red algae
朱红 vermilion;bright red
血红素 hemoglobin
红药水 mercurochrome
红卫兵 the red guards
红树林 mangrove
红烧肉 pork cooked with soybean sauce and sugar
红墨水 red ink
红萝卜 radish;carrot
红楼梦 the red chamber dream by tsao hsueh-ching
红领巾 red scarf

中文 英文
分红 give a piece of cake
红蔷薇党" ancaster王家
n.红茶 black tea
n.红旗 red flag
n.红海 red sea
n.红棕色 brick red
v. 脸红 blush
n.红楼梦 dream of the red cha
n.红苹果 pearmain
n.红纹蝶 red admiral
n.红血球 red blood cell
n.红地毯 red carpet
n.红松鼠 red squirrel
n. 红人 redskin
n.红土陶 redware
n.红葡萄酒 Cabernet
n. 红蚯蚓 bloodworm
n. 红辣椒 chili
n. 红血球 erythrocyte
n.烧红的煤 gleed
n. 红树林 mangrove
n. 紫红色 peachblow
n.红十字会 red cross
n.红葡萄酒 red wine
n. 红脚鹬 redshank
n. 红锌矿 zincite
n. 红眼小鸟 chewink
n.赤糖;红糖 brown sugar
n.红土网球场 clay court
n.脸红;困窘 abashment
n.染红;赧颜 erubescence
n.红血球增多 erythrocytosis
n.红血球生成 erythropoiesis
adj.红色的 flammulated
n.品红;洋红 fuchsin
n.品红;洋红 fuchsine
n.红血球凝聚 hemagglutination
n.红血球甚多 hypercythemia
n.红血球过少 hypoglobulia
n.红土化作用 laterization
n. 雄红松鸡 moorcock
n.正母红血状 normoblast
n.正常红血球 normocyte
n. 红,红色 redness
n. 红翼柬鸟 redwing
n.[矿]红柱石 andalusite
n.红蚯蚓;幼鲑 brandling
n. 奖金,红利 bonus
n.红斑性肢痛病 erythromelalgia
n.红视症;红视 erythropsia

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