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中文 英文
清高 aloof
清点 to count;to make an inventory
清淡 light;slack;weak
清楚 distinct;clear;to understand
清除 to get rid of;to remove
清澈 limpid;clear
清偿 to pay off debt
清茶 green tea
清白 pure;innocent
满清 the ching dynasty
冷清 cold and cheerless;to be deserted
付清 to clear;to pay off
清早 early in the morning
清雅 elegant
清醒 conscious;clear-headed;awake
清洗 to wash;to clean
清谈 idle talk
清爽 relaxed;cool;fresh
清明 clear and bright
清廉 clean;not covetous;honest
清酒 sake;rice wine
算清 settle
血清 serum
享清福 enjoy life
洗不清 to be unable to vindicate oneself
数不清 countless
清洁剂 cleaner
清教徒 the puritans
澄清剂 clarifier

中文 英文
还清 pay up
清洁的 unsoiled
清除灰尘 dust out
n. 清 Ch'ing
n.血清 blood serum
v.出清存货 close out
n. 抗血清 antiserum
n.语意不清 glossolalia
v. 使清净 lustrate
n.混浊不清 muddiness
接近清晨时分 toward morning
n.觉醒;清醒 disenchantment
n.通便;澄清 defaecation
n.清洁教教徒 Albigenses
n.清澈;透明 limpidness
n.清澄;透明 lucidness
n.血清;痘苗 lymph
n.清教派回教徒 Wahabee
n. 清楚,透明 clarity
n.清教徒的人物 bluenose
n. 清廉,廉正 incorruptness
n. 清澄,透明 limpidity
[计算机] 清单 listing
n.不清洁;卑鄙 lousiness
n. 清净,洁净 lustration
n.提纯整肃;肃清 epuration
n.神志不清;疯狂 dottiness
n.清扫卧室之女仆 chambermaid
ad. 口齿不清地 lispingly
n.清路车;引导车 pilot engine
n.清洁者;清洁器 purifier
n.不清洁;不纯洁 uncleanness
n.清洁教教徒的教义 Albigensianism
adj.清洁教教徒的 Albigensian
n. 削除者,廓清者 expurgator
n.声音的响亮和清晰 lamprophony
a. 清晰的,易读的 legible
a. 清垢的,去邪的 lustral
n. 清厕夫,淘粪夫 nightman
adj.头脑不清楚的 puzzlepated
v.再清算;重新调整 reliquidate
n. 清秀,美丽,合宜 comeliness
v.使听不见;使听不清 deave
adv.易碎地;清楚地 crisply
n. 削去,删去,廓清 expurgation
adj.删改的;廓清的 expurgatory
v. 熄减,消减,偿清 extinguish
n.不清不楚;不可辨认 illegibility
n. 不腐败,清廉洁白 incorruption
adv.清澄地;透明地 limpidly

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