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中文 英文
沾渍 to be imbued with;to soak in
沾污 to stain;to smear
沾润 to moisten;to wet
沾襟 to moisten sleeves with tears
沾便宜 to gain benefits from a deal

中文 英文
n.外沾糖霜之橡皮糖 Turkish delight
n.沾有黏鸟胶的树枝;陷阱 lime twig
a. 没有沾污的,无污垢的,无污点的 unstained
a. 颜料的,涂过颜料的,用涂料沾污的 painty
n. 沾污神圣不敬,亵渎,该受惩罚的言语 profanity
n. 晦暗,生锈,污点;v. 使生锈,沾污 tarnish

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