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中文 英文
沉甸 heavy and hard to wield
沉船 sunken ship;a shipwreck
阴沉 dark;somber;gloomy
消沉 dejected;down in the dumps
下沉 to sink;to submerge
深沉 impenetrable;reserved
击沉 to sink
昏沉 murky;beclouded;dazed
低沉 low and deep
沉醉 to be dead-drunk;to get intoxicated
沉冤 unredressed grievance
沉箱 caisson
沉陷 to sink;to cave in
沉痛 painful at heart;deep feeling of remorse
沉睡 fast asleep;deep sleep
沉溺 to drown;to indulge in
沉迷 to be infatuated;to indulge in
沉没 to submerge;to sink
沉积 to deposit
沉淀物 sediments

中文 英文
沉迷於 abandon oneself to
n.沉香 eaglewood
n.沉闷 tediousness
沉没;屈服 go under
浮沉;盛衰 ups and downs
a. 沉闷的 dreary
n.一起沉淀 coprecipitation
v.浸;沉浸 immerge
n. 沉淀素 precipitin
a. 沉闷的 tedious
n.沉思;思考 cogitation
n.消沉;沮丧 black dog
专心於;沉迷於 be absorbed in
n.碳末沉著症 anthracosis
v.使一起沉淀 coprecipitate
n.沉淀;贮存 lodgment
n.阴沉的眼神 yellow looks
v. 下垂,消沉 droop
a. 低沉地吠的 deepmouthed
n. 镇静,沉著 composure
n. 镇定,沉著 composedness
v. 放弃,沉溺 abandon
n.碳矽末沉著症 anthracosilicosis
n. 石棉沉滞症 asbestosis
v. 浸,沉湎于 immerses
n. 沉思,冥想 meditation
v. 沉思,考虑 ponder
n. 厌烦,沉闷 tedium
n. 沉金,其根 zedoary
n.禅宗之沉思室 zendo
n.伽罗木;沉香木 aloeswood
n.沉思者;静观者 contemplator
n.黑褐阴沉的状态 fuliginosity
n. 不舒服,抑沉 malaise
n.沉思者;设想者 meditator
a. 平静的,沉著的 disimpassioned
n. 哑,无言,沉默 dumbness
a. 抑沉的,忧闷的 gloomy
n.[医]血色沉著病 hemochromatosis
a. 平稳的,沉著的 reposeful
a. 悲哀的,阴沉的 tristful
adj.阴沉的;可怕的 drear
adj.拖拉的;沉闷的 draggy
n. 沉寂,凄凉,可怕 dreariness
n. 注视,沉思,打算 contemplation
v. 注视,沉思,打算 contemplate
adv.阴暗地;沉闷地 dismally
n.乳状物之沉淀或上层 creaming
n. 蛤,沉默寡言的人 clam
v. 奴役,束缚,沉溺 enslave

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