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中文 英文
to substitute;to change;to exchange
换新 to change for new
换取 to exchange;to change
换毛 molt
换季 change of season
对换 make exchange
兑换 to convert;to exchange
撤换 to replace
换衣 to change clothes
转换 to transform;to change
置换 replacement
贴换 trade in
交换 to exchange
换羽毛 to molt
换言之 in other words
兑换率 rate of exchange
兑换处 shroff;exchange

中文 英文
n.切换 Toggle
n.换用 enallage
要求撤换 recuse
与B交换A exchange a with b
把A换成B exchange a for b
电传机交换 TWX
n. 换称 antonomasia
n.换算表 conversion table
交换机内的 intraswitch
n.换零钱机 changemaker
n.换行提示 WrapPrompt
n.热交换器 heat exchanger
v. 换鞋底 resole
n. 换性者 transsexual
n. 可交换性 exchangeability
n. 母音变换 ablaut
交换;以此易彼 in exchange for
v.变更;互换 permute
n.遣调;调换 redeployment
换[炮的]内筒 reline
v.换船;换车 tranship
换低速的档;开慢 change down
n. 转换,逆转 changeover
v. 移置,替换 displace
v.换至较低排挡 downshift
换言之;换句话说 in other words
n.激射光转换器 lasecon
n.换孩;畸形儿 oaf
n. 交换,排列 permutation
v. 调动,调换 redeploy
v. 换脚尖部分 refoot
n.[医]换气过度 hyperventilation
v. 使交错,掉换 counterchange
n. 再交换,退汇 reexchange
n. 通货交换价值 valuta
n.转帐;票据交换 virement
n. 急上升方向变换 chandelle
n.货物出门概不退换 caveat emptor
n.放置换洗物的袋子 clothesbag
vbl. 更换,替代 replacing
n. 交换,变换,代替 commutation
v. 使方向转换,整流 commutate
n. 转变,改宗,换位 conversion
n. 会议室,交换场所 boardroom
n.反用换流器;变极器 inverter
v.使物质替换;使变形 metabolise
v. 互换,交换,报答 reciprocate
n. 调换,换位,移项 transposition
adj.置换的;变换的 transpositional
adj.通风的;换气的 ventilative

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