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中文 英文
防护 to shelter;shelter
辩护 to defend;to plead for
护栏 guard rail
护航 to convoy
护短 to shield a shortcoming or fault
护士 nurse
护卫 to escort;to defend
偏护 to favor one side;partial
看护 nurse;to nurse
拥护 to uphold;to advocate
卫护 to guard;to protect
拥护者 a supporter;a champion;a follower
守护神 patron saint
救护站 first aid station
监护人 guardian;sponsor in tow
护眼片 patch
护士节 nurse's day
护理学 nursing
护城河 city moat
庇护所 asylum;sanctuary
保护色 protective coloration
保护区 conservation area
保护层 clearance

中文 英文
辩护 explain away
n.护手 armguard
n.护壁 breast wall
n.护膝 genouillere
n.护膝 knee pad
n.护理长 charge nurse
n.护面罩 face guard
n.护教者 fidei defensor
n. 护膝 kneepad
n.护腿甲 legharness
v. 辩护 vindicate
拥护;受责备 be for
n. 救护车 ambulance
n. 护身符 amulet
n.救护人员 ambulanceman
n.火力掩护 covering fire
n. 护痉套 greave
n.加护病房 intensive care unit
n. 护身符 periapt
n.政治庇护 political asylum
n.都守护官 prefect of the city
n.拥护或支持 Zionist
n.野战救护队 ambulance corps
n.公设辩护人 assigned counsel
n.保护动物者 bestiarian
为他人作掩护者 front man
n.护膝;膝甲 kneeboss
n.拥护解放者 libber
n. 护路工人 trackman
n.爱护动物者 zoophilist
n.爱护动物者 zoophilite
n. 保护,保存 conservation
n. 保镳,护卫 bodyguard
n.护教学;辩护 apologetics
n.护航航空母舰 escort carrier
v.以细铁丝保护 gange
n.救护车;灵车 meat wagon
v. 保护,支援 patronize
n.胸饰;护胸革 plastron
在..之掩护之下 under cover of
n.家庭探视护士 visiting nurse
n. 监护,保护 wardship
n.拥护维琪政府者 Vichyite
n. 庇护,收容所 asylum
n. 护壁板,脚板 baseboard
n.(护腿的)腿甲 cuish
n.(护腿的)腿甲 cuisse
n.矿工救护队队员 draegerman
n.爱顾者;保护者 favorer
n.爱顾者;保护者 favourer

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