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中文 英文
打败 score off
打靶 target shooting
抽打 to flog;to whip
鞭打 to whip;to flog
半打 half a dozen
安打 base hit
打发 to dispatch;to send away
打断 to interrupt
打点 to get ready
打倒 to overthrow
打岔 to interrupt
打滚 to roll about
打劫 to plunder;to rob
打雷 thunder
打烂 smash
打垮 rout
打开 to open
打扫 to sweep
打拳 boxing
打气 to encourage;to pump up
打消 to give up
打听 to ask about
打探 find out
打算 to plan
打牌 to play a card game or mahjong
打杂 to drudge
打针 to inject
打坐 to sit in meditation
苏打 soda
摔打 to beat
敲打 to knock;to beat
殴打 beat up
拷打 to torture
该打 to deserve the spanking
毒打 to beat savagely
单打 singles
打鼾 to snore
打盹 the land of nod;take a nap
打嗝儿 a hiccup or hiccough
打字机 typewriter
打招呼 to say hello
打油诗 doggerel
打内战 to fight a civil war
打胜仗 win the war
打屁股 to spank
打进来 to worm into
打交道 to have dealings with
打火机 lighter
打官腔 to talk like a bureaucrat
打背包 to pack up

中文 英文
打进 beat in
打败 have the better of
打盹 nod off
打结 tie off
打褶的 kilted
打字纸 manifold paper
打油诗人 bardling
打油诗人 bardlet
n.扭打 handicuff
v. 打倒 abas
打倒;杀价 beat down
n. 打赌 betting
n.打瞌睡 cat nap
打杂的工人 chore boy
打倒;病倒 down with
n. 鞭打 flagellation
n. 鞭打 flogging
揪打;握住 grapple
n.全垒打 home run
不打扰某人 leave someone alone
n.好打听 nosiness
打开;透露 open up
v. 打败 outfight
v. 重打 retype
打电话出外 telephone off
v. 打开 unwrap
v. 打滚 wallow
n. 打赌者 bettor
n.打击位置 batter's box
n.暴力殴打 criminal assault
n. 打蛋器 eggbeater
n.打扫房屋 housecleaner
v.打;斥骂 lace into
n.打击乐器 percussion instrumen
v. 打消心 unthink
n.威士忌苏打 Scotch and soda
在地板上打滚笑 ROTFL
n.录音打字员 audiotypist
int.打喷嚏 atishoo
n. 擦,打扮 brushup
恶意的;打斜的 catawampus
v. 用棍棒打 fustigate
n.打扮;美化 gussy up
v. 打,鞭打 larrup
n.行式打印机 line printer
n.行式打印机 lineprinter
n.打桩;桩木 paling
n.撞击;敲打 percussion
a. 爱打听的 prying
n.打捞;离礁 refloatation

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