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中文 英文
米饭 cooked rice
开饭 start to eat
饭碗 job;rice bowl
饭厅 dining room
饭量 appetite
饭锅 rice cooker
饭菜 meal;dishes
吃饭 to have a meal;to make a living by
做饭 to prepare a meal;to prepare food
煮饭 to cook rice
蒸饭 to steam rice
早饭 breakfast
稀饭 congee;porridge
晚饭 supper
讨饭 to beg for food
热饭 hot rice
炒饭 fried rice
便饭 ordinary meal;simple meal
八宝饭 eight-treasures rice
年夜饭 the grand dinner on new year's eve
炒冷饭 to rehash

中文 英文
n.肉饭 pilaw
n.肉饭 pilau
n. 便饭 potluck
n.蒸肉饭 pilaff
n.蒸肉饭 pilaf
n. 背饭 packman
n.小饭厅 dining alcove
n. 吃饭 dining
a. 饭前的 anteprandial
n.餐券;饭票 meal ticket
n.客饭;和菜 prix fixe
n.饭店;饮食店 victualing house
n.餐馆老板;饭店主人 restaurateur
n. 餐厅,饭馆,饭店 restaurant
n. 粥,麦片粥,稀饭 porridge
n.公寓旅社;公寓饭店 apartotel
n.[=congee]稀饭 conjee
n.小孩吃饭时所用之高脚椅子 highchair
n.餐馆或饭店中管理藏酒的店员 cellarman
n. 在厨房工作的女佣,烧饭女佣 kitchenmaid
n.夜总会,饭店等的衣帽间女服务生 hatcheck girl
n. 厨子;v. 烹调,煮饭,加热 cook
n.(印度)午餐v.吃午饭;供应午餐 tiffin
提议自己出钱请人吃饭,喝酒或作其它的娱乐 offer to treat
a. 饭食的,饮食的;n. 规定的食物,饮食的规 dietary
n. 赖债不还的人,饭桶,食客;a. 不向左右激 deadbeat
n. 咖哩粉,咖哩饭菜;v. 用咖哩粉调味,用马 curry

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