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中文 英文
定都 to establish a capital
定案 to decide on a verdict;to pass judgement
奠定 to establish
定期 regular;periodic
定论 accepted argument
定量 a ration;fixed quantity
定局 settled situation
决定 to make a decision;to determine;to decide;to resol
检定 to examine
规定 regulation;rule;to set
估定 assessment
否定 to deny;negative
定义 definition
定型 to fall into a pattern
定速 speed control
暂定 tentatively set on
预定 to book
审定 approve officially
认定 to conclude
确定 definite;to decide;sure
钦定 approved by his majesty
平定 to put down;to conquer
必定 to be sure to;most certainly;must
安定 stability
制定 to formulate;to enact;to institute
镇定剂 sedative
决定性 decisive
定时锁 time lock
定冠词 definite article
滴定法 titration

中文 英文
注定 be doomed to
决定 fix on
决定 fix upon
决定 make up one's mind
固定於 fasten on
不一定 not always
否定回答 NAK
作一决定 come to a decision
n.定罪 damningness
n.否定 disaffirmance
n.否定 disaffirmation
n.定居 ecesis
定为常规 make it a rule
n.不定额 balance due
一定会.. be destined to
安装;固定 build in
一定;必定 by all means
臆测;假定 hypotheses
n.不稳定 labilization
与..约定 make an appointment
划界;预定 mark out
n.氮固定 nitrogen fixation
n.定货簿 order book
n.定货单 order form
n.定位踢 place kick
n.制定法 positive law
n.定音鼓 timpani
n.定音鼓 timpano
n.定音鼓 tympani
由某人决定 up to someone
当然;一定 with pleasure
n.诺定安郡 Nottinghamshire
n.听力测定 audiometrist
的确;一定会 be certain to
n.寿命测定 biometry
n.滴定管架 burette stand
v.回声定位 echolocate
n.限定动词 finite verbs
n.定期存款 fixed deposit
v.制定系谱 genealogize
v.使不稳定 labilize
n.馀弦定律 law of cosines
n.惯性定律 law of inertia
n.定时炸弹 time bomb
n.定时信管 time fuse
n.定期贷款 time loan
n.定期买卖 timebargain
a. 未定的 undecided
n.分配;指定 assignation
a. 可假定的 assumable

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