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中文 英文
守备 garrison
失守 to be occupied
留守 to stay behind to take care of things
看守 to watch
监守 to guard
固守 to defend or guard firmly
保守 conservative
把守 to watch over;to guard
遵守 to abide by;to keep;to observe
驻守 to garrison for defence purpose
守则 rule
守夜 to keep night watch
守孝 observe mourning
守岁 to stay up late or all night on new year's eve
守时 punctual
守密 to keep a secret
守灵 to stand as guard at the bier
守节 to preserve chastity after the death of her husban
守法 to abide by the law
守财奴 miser
守护神 patron saint
守候室 guardroom
守规矩 well-behaved
守冈位 on duty at post
守旧派 conservative party

中文 英文
固执守旧 frump
擅离职守 absent without leave
遵守;服从 abide by
n.保守党 Conservative party
依靠;退守 fall back upon
依靠;退守 fall back on
n. 守备 fielding
n.守门员 goalie
n.守财奴 moneygrubber
猎场看守者 velveteen
n. 守门员 goalkeeper
n.女守门者 gatewoman
n. 守托者 bailee
遵守;配得上 live up to
n.都守护官 prefect of the city
扣住;守口如瓶 button up
n.城主;堡守 chatelain
n.灯塔看守人 lighthouse keeper
n. 猎场看守人 gamekeeper
n. 附著,固守 adherence
n.墨守教会仪式 Churchism
v. 看守,监考 invigilate
n. 水闸看守人 lockkeeper
n.标灯;守夜灯 pilot light
n.竞技场监守官 xystarch
n.不守安息日的人 Sabbathbreaker
n.保管人;看守员 custos
n. 守卫船,哨舰 guardship
n.看守围篱的官员 hayward
n.吝啬鬼;守财奴 tightwad
n.彻夜不眠;守夜 vigil
n.保守主义;守旧性 conservatism
n. 看守者,照顾者 minder
n. 守财奴,吝啬鬼 miser
v. 看守,掩护射击 overwatch
n.保守的陈述;掩饰 understatement
n. 监护,保护,守护 guardianship
n.临终的看护;守夜者 deathwatch
n.讲究仪式;默守礼节 ceremonialism
n. 附著,粘著,固守 adhesion
v. 遵守,忍受,居留 abide
n.传统主义;墨守成规 conventionalism
n.宗教节日;守护神节 feria
n.女狱卒;女监狱看守 jaileress
n.走路不遵守交通规则 jaywalking
adv.守法地;合法地 lawfully
a. 守规矩的,矫饰的 mannered
n.严守宗教律法的行为 nomism
n. 监狱的看守,狱吏 turnkey
a. 不注意的,不守的 unobservant

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