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中文 英文
to cough
止咳 to stop coughing
咳嗽药 cough-mixture
百日咳 whooping cough

中文 英文
n.咳嗽 tussis
n.乾咳 hacking cough
n.止咳药 cough mixture
n.止咳药片 cough drop
n. 百日咳 chincough
n.咳嗽糖浆 linctus
n.[医]百日咳 kinkcough
n. 咳嗽;v. 咳嗽 cough
n. 咳嗽;v. 咳嗽 chogh
adj.治咳嗽的;镇咳的 bechic
adj.咳嗽的;咳嗽所引发的 tussive
n.止咳药;镇咳药adj.能止咳的 antitussive

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