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中文 英文
to allow;to listen;to hear
听证 hearing
听写 dictation
听审 to be under a court trial
听取 to listen to
听力 comprehension;hearing
听觉 sense of hearing
听见 to hear
听从 to obey
收听 to listen to
视听 public opinion;what is seen and heard
倾听 to lend an attentive ear to
动听 to be pleasant to listen to
打听 to ask about
聆听 to listen respectfully
助听器 deaf-aid;hearing aid;audiphone

中文 英文
听懂 be with someone
收听 tune in
留心听 listen out
v.倾听 harken
听其自然 let someone alone
v.倾听 listen for
n.听筒 telephone receiver
n. 偷听 eavesdropping
v. 偷听 eavesdrop
n.窃听器 dictagraph
重听;耳聋 hard of hearing
v. 倾听 hark
n.助听器 hearing aid
收听;监听 listen in
n.好打听 nosiness
n.随身听 personal stereo
n.听力测定 audiometrist
n. 听力计 acoumeter
n. 听觉学 audiology
n.听力检查 audio acuity
n. 助听器 Acousticon
n. 助听器 audiphone
n.视听教具 audiovisuals
v.听;倾听 hearken
n.听觉过敏 hyperacusis
n.听觉迟钝 hypoacusis
n.值得一听 listenability
从来没听说过 never heard of it
n. 聋,不听 deafness
adj.视听的 audiovisual
n. 电话听筒 handset
n.听筒;耳机 headphones
听说;接到消息 hear about
v.听错;误听 mishear
a. 爱打听的 prying
n.窃听;偷听 wire tapping
n. 听觉型的人 audile
n.听幻觉;幻觉 acouasm
n.喇叭状助听器 ear trumpet
n. 耳机,听筒 earphone
n. 听者,听众 hearer
听起来好像是这样 it sounds so
n.听众[人数] listenership
n. 听讼,听审 oyer
n.窃听;窃听器 wiretapper
n.窃听;窃听器 wiretapping
n.耳证;亲听证人 earwitness
adj.二重听觉的 dichotic
adv.听力测定地 audiometrically
a. 耳的,听觉的 aural

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