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中文 英文
to hang;to suspend;to condole with
吊索 sling
吊丧 to condole;to attend a memorial service
吊桥 suspension bridge
吊架 hanger
吊灯 pendant lamp
吊床 suspended bed;hammock
上吊 to hang oneself
吊唁 to condole
吊袜带 girdle;garter
吊裤带 suspenders

中文 英文
吊起 hang up
n.吊桥 hanging bridge
n.吊柜 wall cupboard
n.吊灯 pendant lamp
n. 吊楔 lewis
n. 吊床 hammock
n. 吊灯 droplight
n.铁链吊桥 chainbridge
n. 吊锚索 catfall
n. 吊裤带 gallus
n. 格子吊闸 portcullis
n.悬吊大风扇 punka
n. 瓦斯吊灯 gaselier
n.吊门;活板门 flapdoor
vbl. 吊,挂 hung
n.背带;裤吊带 galluses
绞首用索;以绳吊缢 halter
n.电灯架;吊灯架 electrolier
n. 吊艇柱,吊柱 davit
n.风铃草;吊钟花 Canterbury bell
n.起重机棚;吊车棚 lookum
n.毛莨等的俗称;吊索 crowfoot
n. 滑行者,滑翔机,吊椅 glider
n.练习拳击用的吊袋;出气筒 punching bag
adj.吊儿郎当的;打扮漂亮的 dandiacal
v. 吊起,吊起并缚住;n. 瞬间 trice
a. 卷扬机,绞盘;v. 用绞盘吊起 windlass
n.[=lewis]吊楔;鸠尾起重机 lewisson
n. 伐木工人,木材商的佣工,吊木材机器 lumberjack
n. 吊著晃来晃去的东西,耳环,追逐女人的男 dangler
n.铁吊桶(凿井用);(磨成粗粒的)食物v.把.. kibble

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