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中文 英文
当前 current;present
当年 in former years
当面 to one's face
当今 now;nowadays;at present
当地 in the locality
当初 originally;at the outset
当场 on the spot
当班 to be on duty
担当 to assume;to take on
充当 to serve as;to act as
承当 to bear;to assume
稳当 proper and secure
上当 to be taken in;to be fooled
每当 whenever
敢当 deserving
典当 to mortgage;to pawn
当做 to regard as
当中 in the middle;among
当真 to be serious;to be in earnest
当心 be careful
当事人 the person concerned
当权派 the clique in power

中文 英文
当然 of course
当队员 be on the team
n.当票 pawn ticket
n.亚当斯 Adams
n. 亚当 Adam
应该;应当 be supposed to
当..有名 be known for
n.相当於 babu
n.相当於 baboo
n.便当盒 dinner bucket
n.不适当 inadequateness
应当;应该 ought to
n. 当铺 pawnshop
n. 当铺 popshop
当时;当场 then and there
当然;一定 with pleasure
a. 适当的 appropriate
现在;当时, at the moment
v.当;抵押 impledge
在适当的时机 in due course
n. 典当商 pawnbroker
n. 交当人 pawner
v.当心;走开 cheezit
受不起;不敢当 be overwhelmed by
adv.适当地 appropriately
n.适当;巧合 aproposity
n.公平;正当 equitableness
n.过度;不当 exorbitance
n.过度;不当 exorbitancy
n.恰当;适合 felicitousness
当场;即於此际 on the spot
n.关联;恰当 relevancy
是有相当价值的 there is something i
n.真实;正当 truthfulness
无疑地;当然地 without doubt
adv.当副词地 adverbially
n. 适当,足够 adequacy
n.适当;适切性 fitness
adv.不适当地 inadequately
adv.不适当地 inappropriately
adv.当地时间 local time
不自在;不适当的 out of place
adj.相当快的 quickish
n. 中肯,适当 relevance
n.邪恶;不正当 unrighteousness
n.当前话题;时事 actualite
n.当选者;当选人 electee
对..有益;能担当 good for
n.不适当;不合宜 inaptness
v.误用;应用不当 misemploy

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