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中文 英文
瘠弱 sickly
孱弱 weak;frail
羸弱 emaciated and weak
纤弱 emaciated
微弱 weak or feeble
体弱 physically weak
弱点 weak point;weakness;shortcomings
柔弱 weak
怯弱 cowardice;timid and weak-willed
老弱 aged and weak
减弱 to weaken

中文 英文
n.弱脉 acrotism
n.中弱 mezzo piano
n. 弱视 amblyopia
n. 懦弱 cowardice
n. 脆弱 friability
a. 衰弱的 asthenic
v. 使衰弱 enervate
v. 使衰弱 enfeeble
n. 弱,微弱 feebleness
n.空竭;虚弱 exinanition
n.衰弱;无力 hyposthenia
n.衰弱;憔悴 languisher
n.衰弱;无力 languishment
n.子音之减弱 lenition
n.柔弱;疲倦 limpness
a. 衰弱性的 marasmic
n.微弱的震动 microseism
n.弱音;弱拍 off beat
n.懦弱;怯懦 recreance
adj.有点弱的 feeblish
n.弱亲和类毒素 epitoxoid
n. 弱金鸡纳碱 cinchonine
n. 欺凌弱小者 bucko
v. 缓和,减弱 abate
n.[医]脑衰弱 encephalasthenia
n. 脆弱,浅薄 flimsiness
a. 脆弱,易碎 frangible
n. 衰弱,软弱 goneness
n. 病弱,病身 invalidism
n. 消耗,衰弱 marasmus
n. 微小,弱小 puniness
n.消化不良;胃弱 dyspepsy
n.消化不良;胃弱 dyspepsia
n. 柔弱,女人气 effeminacy
n. 软弱,无气力 flabbiness
n. 软弱,没气力 flaccidity
n.体力不够;衰弱 hypodynamia
v.使柔弱;玩女人 womanize
n.嘎吱嘎吱声;脆弱 crunchiness
神经衰弱的;神经质的 unstrung
adj.衰弱的;无力的 enervated
adj.磨损的;削弱的 attrite
n.眼力疲劳;视力衰弱 asthenopia
v. 减弱,减少,降低 bate
adj.懦弱的;卑鄙的 dastardly
ad. 脆弱地,柔弱地 flimsily
n.心脏衰弱;心力衰竭 heart failure
adj.衰弱的;无力的 hyposthenic
n. 碛弱科之一种小鸟 junco
adj.减少的;减弱的 lessened

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