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中文 英文
to neglect;to miss;to lose;loss;failure;error
失言 to make an improper or indiscreet remark
失信 to break one's promise
失陷 to be occupied
失望 disappointment;to be disappointed
失算 misjudgement;to misjudge
失守 to be occupied
失声 to lose one's voice
失散 to be out of touch with somebody
失窃 to be stolen
失明 to lose one's eyesight;to be blinded
失落 to lose
失恋 to lose one's love
失敬 excuse me for being disrespectful
失火 to be on fire;to catch fire
失和 to become estranged;to be on bad terms
失调 out of tune;disproportion
失传 lost
失常 not normal
失策 a bad tactic;impolitic;a mistake
流失 run off
过失 fault;error
得失 gain and loss
错失 blunder away
迷失 to lose one's bearings
失意 to be discouraged;to be frustrated
失足 to take a wrong step in life;to slip
失职 dereliction of duty
失真 to lack fidelity
阙失 mistake
消失 to disappear;to vanish
受损失 to incur losses
失语症 aphasia
失业率 unemployment rate
冒失鬼 a harum-scarum

中文 英文
失业 out of work
失言 put one's foot in it
消失 vanish away
精神失常 anoia
有失身分 beneath one's dignit
勿失良机 now or never
对..失望 be disappointed in
发狂;失神 beside oneself
a. 丧失 bereaved
n. 失望 disappointment
走失;迷路 go astray
失败;输掉 lose out
n. 失衡 unbalance
n.表情缺失 amimia
n.逐渐消失 disappear gradually
n.营养失调 dystrophy
n.大便失禁 encopresis
v.损失金钱 lose money
n.失恋之歌 torch song
n.轻摇;失误 bobble
吹熄;力量消失 blow out
n.计算力缺失 acalculia
失败;终成泡影 come to nothing
使沮丧;使失望 cast down
n.冰川的消失 deglaciation
故障;突然失灵 conk out
v.使失去叶子 disleave
失去众望;不悦 fall into disfavor
n.失足;摔倒 false step
n.失言;失礼 faux pas
n.失策;失算 impolicy
n.失误;过失 lapsus
失去勇气;灰心 lose heart
n.招领之失物 lost property
n.失败;误投 miscarriage
v.失败;误投 miscarry
n.失职;渎职 misprision
未考虑到;失算 reckon without
n.失业补偿金 unemployment compens
adv.失败地 unsuccessfully
n.悲哉失败者 vae victis
n. 丧失,死别 bereavement
n.大错误;错失 boner
n.失败;上等货 clinker
n. 嗅觉丧失症 anosmia
n.[医]失语症 alogia
n.实体感觉缺失 astereognosis
a. 运动失调的 ataxic
n. 意志力丧失 abulia
n. 逃亡,失踪 abscondence

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