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中文 英文
大败 to defeat utterly
长大 to grow up
大便 to empty the bowels
大胆 bold
大地 earth
大副 the first mate of a ship
大家 everyone;everybody
大火 a conflagration
大亨 big shot
大海 sea
大批 in great numbers;a large number of
大炮 artillery
大怒 have a fit;great anger
大脑 cerebrum
大名 name
大麦 barley
大麻 marijuana
大浪 billows
大局 general situation
大捷 overwhelming victory
大街 a main street
大纲 outline
大人 adult
大师 master
大嫂 sister-in-law
大势 general situation
大厅 parlor
大王 king
大限 the time of one's death
大笑 a horselaugh;a hearty laugh
大学 university or college
大雪 heavy snow
大衣 overcoat
大约 about;thereabout;approximately
大众 the masses
大罪 enormity;serious crime
胆大 bold
多大 how big
肥大 big and fat
浩大 great;vast;huge;imposing
宏大 grand;spacious;great
极大 the greatest;the largest;the maximum
庞大 huge and insurmountable
伟大 great
远大 very promising
张大 to exaggerate
涨大 to swell;to increase in bulk
壮大 to strengthen;to expand
自大 conceited
大峡谷 grand canyon

中文 英文
大约 or so
大部分 a majority of
极大的 a world of
一大口 at a gulp
大量的 huge amounts of
赚大钱 make a fortune
n.大夏 Balkh
就大体说 all things considere
大有帮助 be a great help
突然大笑 burst into laughter
突然大哭 burst into tears
n.大副 chief mate
胆大妄为 chutzpa
大声反对 cry out against
大有助益 do a great deal of g
大百货店 emporia
n.大副 first mate
n.大选 general election
n.大赦 general pardon
n.大暑 great heat
长大成人 grown up
不大想做 has little mind to
n.肥大 hypertrophy
大体而言 in principle
n.大刨 jack plane
n.大肠 large intestine
n.大艇 long boat
小题大作 make a fuss about
大规模地 on a large scale
n.大话 overstatement
大学教授 prof.
n. 大卫 David
大量;许多 a great deal
n. 大使 ambassador
n. 大公 archduke
大气减速法 atmospheric braking
a. 大的 big
n.大猎物 big game
n. 自大 bighead
n.大屠杀 blood bath
n.大蟒蛇 boa constrictor
n. 大脑 cerebra
n.大脑炎 cerebritis
n. 大脑 cerebrum
n.大键琴 clavicembalo
三脚大钢琴 concert grand
n.大餐厅 dining hall
n. 大脑 encephalograph
n.大网膜 epiploon
n.大庄园 estancia

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