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中文 英文
to build;to make
造成 to cause to happen;to result in
营造 to build
伪造 to forge;to invent;to fabricate;forgery
塑造 to mold
假造 to forge;to invent
改造 reform
缔造 to found;to build
铸造 founding;casting
造字 to coin words
造纸 to make paper
造型 modelling;moulding
造孽 to do evil things
造句 to make a sentence
造化 one's luck or good fortune;creator
造福 to bring benefit to
造反 uprising;to rebel
造船厂 shipbuilding yard
创造力 originality;creative power

中文 英文
造字 make a word
人造齿冠 crownwork
创造性的 in a creative way
n.造纸 paper making
n.造砖机 brick machine
n.人造皮 Corfam
谋划;假造 cook up
n.造箭者 fletcher
建筑;建造 in the construction
n.造园术 landscape architectu
n.造纸厂 paper mill
建立;创造 put together
建造;举起 put up
n.模造银 tutania
n.酿造学 zymurgy
n.酿造所 zythepsary
n. 营造司 aedile
n.人造琥珀 amberoid
n.人造卫星 artificial satellite
n.人造珠宝 costume jewelry
n.肠造口术 enterostomy
n.人造肾脏 hemodialyzer
n.人造奶油 margarin
n.造币;铸币 coinage
n. 人造奶油 butterine
n.胆囊造口术 cholecystostomy
n.人造太阳灯 artificial daylight
n.组合;构造 compages
n.降低;改造 debasement
adj.建造的 fabricative
n. 异体构造 heterology
n. 微细构造 microstructure
n. 造币厂长 mintmaster
n.塑造;成型 molding
n. 单体横造 monocoque
n.铸造;成型 moulding
n. 双重造字 parasynthesis
v. 重新造林 reforest
n. 重新造林 reforestation
v.再造;新造 reforge
v.改造;改铸 remould
n. 变更,改造 alteration
n.扫描仪制造商 MICROTEC
n. 造美的东西 beautifier
n. 蜡烛制造者 chandler
adj.创造性的 creationary
酿造用麦芽;大量 grist
n.造船身之材料 hulling
n.不真实;伪造 inauthenticity
n. 麦芽制造厂 malthouse

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