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中文 英文
交通 traffic;transportation;communication
亨通 to go well;to go smoothly
沟通 communication;to link up
串通 to collude
变通 to adapt oneself to;to accommodate
扑通 to pit-a-pat;to splash
灵通 to be well-informed
精通 to master;to be good at
通话 to communicate by telephone
通航 to be open to navigation or air traffic
通风 ventilation;to ventilate
通达 to be unobstructed;to lead to;clear and logical
通畅 to be unobstructed;easy and smooth
通报 bulletin;to circulate a notice
疏通 to dredge;to clear out
通宵 all night;throughout the night
通俗 common;popular
通史 general history
通商 to have trade relations
通气 ventilate
通盘 overall;all-round
通牒 diplomatic note
通知 to notify;to give notice;to inform;notice;circular
通行 to pass a go through
行得通 it works
行不通 it won't work
通信社 news agency
通心粉 macaroni
通讯社 news agency
通行证 pass
通缉犯 criminal wanted by the law
普通话 putonghua
交通部 ministry of communications

中文 英文
精通 be well up in
通知 fill one in
通廊 propylaea
微通道 Microchannel
通经药 hemagogue
n.通货 circulating medium
n.通性 common gender
n. 通奸 adultery
n.通配符 Wildcard
微通道结构 MCA
通常;普通 as a rule
熟悉;通晓 be familiar with
n.普通股 common stock
符合;通信 correspond with
n.通风管 ductwork
n. 不通 impassability
通往;导致 lead to
n.通知书 letter of advice
通晓;熟悉 make acquainted with
n.交通部 ministry of communic
n. 通风 ventilation
数据通信设备 DCE
n.普通名词 common noun
n.通信工程 communication engine
n.入口通道 entryway
n.普通常识 horse sense
n.马之通路 horseway
n.普通西装 lounge suit
n.交通设施 means of transportat
n.普通驾照 ordinary driver's li
n.交通警察 point constable
完成;使通过 put through
n.交通管制 traffic control
n.交通警察 traffic cop
n. 通气孔 venthole
n. 通风管 ventiduct
n.路透通讯社 Reuters
n. 通讯卫星 Telstar
v.报告;通知 apprize
v.报告;通知 apprise
n.闭锁;不通 atresia
n.熟练;精通 au fait
n.通敌;卖国 collaborationism
n. 通讯卫星 comsat
n.熟练;精通 conversance
n.熟练;精通 conversancy
n.通便;澄清 defaecation
adv.扑通地 kerflop
n.巷道;通路 laneway
n.联络;私通 liaison

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