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中文 英文
to move;to transport
托运 to check
拖运 haulage
世运 the olympics;olympic games
穷运 hard luck
命运 fate;destiny
老运 one's lot in old age
空运 air transportation
河运 river transport
海运 marine transportation;sea transportation
贩运 to ship goods for sale
恶运 ill luck;bad luck
运载 carry
运销 shipping and marketing
运输 transportation
运粮 to transport food
运河 a canal
走运 to enjoy a spell of good luck;lucky
转运港 transit port
幸运儿 lucky fellow
运动会 sports meting;an athletic metting
运动场 playground;sports arena
搬运费 freight;moving charge

中文 英文
n.航运 Shipping
女权运动 women's liberation
n. 运动 athletics
开往;运往 be destined for
n.运油轮 crude carrier
n.运动鞋 gym shoes
n.运动病 kinetosis
n. 运河 klong
n. 搬运者 bearer
a. 运动的 athletic
n.牛津运动 Oxford movement
n.加速运动 accelerated motion
n.牛津运动 Tractarianism
v.解除禁运 disembargo
n.卡车渡运 fishybacking
n.运货车厢 freight car
n.空运乾草 haylift
n.七类运动 heptathlon
n.运动过度 hypermotility
n. 运动学 kinematics
n.劳工运动 labor movement
n.空运能力 lift capacity
n.运动神经 motor nerve
n.运货卡车 motor truck
n.永恒运动 perpetual motion
n.运输保险 transportation insur
n.垂直运动 vertical motion
n.业馀运动员 amateur player
n.幸运;成功 bonne fortune
n. 回旋运动 circumnutation
n. 十项运动 decathlon
n.运用;实习 exercitation
v.快运;急运 giggit
n.佳运;成功 good speed
n.篮球运动员 hoopman
n.篮球运动员 hoopster
n.巴拿马运河 panama canal
n. 五项运动 pentathlon
n.运音;滑音 portamento
n. 运费贴补 primage
n.团体性运动 team sport
n.田径运动会 track meet
a. 可运输的 transportable
n.载运牲畜的船 cattleship
n. 运货马车夫 carter
a. 运动失调的 ataxic
n.运河中之水闸 drawgate
n.运动迷;影迷 fandom
n. 命运,运气 fate
adj.碰运气的 gambly

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