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中文 英文
放过 to let off
超过 to exceed;to surpass
不过 but;however
过冬 to pass the winter
过秤 to weigh
过节 observe a festival
过继 adopt
过火 to go too far
过关 to pass a test
过访 to come for a visit
跳过 to leap over
掠过 sweep;brush past
跨过 step over
记过 to record a demerit
过後 later on
过问 to interfere
过失 fault;error
过期 to overdue
过目 to take a look;to look over;to read
过滤 to filter
走过 to walk by
拗不过 unable to dissuade
有过节 have grudge
过路人 passerby;passer
过来人 a passer-by
过渡期 transition period
过不去 unable to get through

中文 英文
过来 come over
走过 go across
检查过 check over
在过去 in the past
会过面 know by sight
过时的 out of date
翻过来 turn outside in
过的快乐 enjoy oneself
度过难关 pull through
顺利度过 tide over
n.流过 transflux
争取过来 win over
过得很愉快 have a wonderful tim
不超过;只 no more than
喘不过气来 out of breath
v. 过冬 overwinter
n.胃酸过多 acid stomach
n.牙齿过敏 hemodia
n.听觉过敏 hyperacusis
n.痛觉过敏 hyperalgesia
n.触觉过敏 hyperaphia
n.血钙过多 hypercalcemia
n.矫枉过正 hypercorrection
n.味觉过敏 hypergeusesthesia
n.变态过度 hypermetamorphosis
n.运动过度 hypermotility
n.嗅觉过敏 hyperosmia
n.分泌过盛 hypersecretion
n.血盐过低 hypoalonemia
n.血钙过少 hypocalcemia
n.血球过少 hypocytosis
度过;经受过 live through
快乐地过日子 live up
从来没听说过 never heard of it
仅仅;只不过 nothing more than
v. 使过时 outdate
a. 过时的 outmoded
v. 吃过量 overeat
v.过分强调 overemphasize
v. 睡过头 oversleep
完成;使通过 put through
n.过境旅客 transit passenger
过分地;非常地 beyond measure
超过预订的时间 borrowed time
n. 不定过去 aorist
ad. 横过船 athwartships
过渡的;暂时的 ad interim
n.过大的牙缝 diastema
浸泡;约略看过 dip into
n.过度;不当 exorbitance

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