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中文 英文
亏待 to treat someone shabbily
宽待 to treat generously
接待 to receive;reception
厚待 to treat kindly and generously
对待 to treat
待客 to entertain guests
待发 to be ready to depart
招待 to receive;to entertain
优待 preferential treatment;favorable treatment
招待员 receptionist
招待券 free ticket
虐待狂 sadist

中文 英文
等待 wait behind
等待 wait for
熬夜等待 wait up for
n.优待票 coupon ticket
v. 虐待 mistreat
期待;物色 look out for
期待;盼望 look forward to
睡懒觉;待产 lie in
n.等待策略 waiting game
n.误用;虐待 misusage
v.虐待;伤害 disserve
n.期待;期望 expectancy
n.记者招待会 news conference
n.记者招待会 press conference
n.虐待;利用 walk over
n.留局待领信件 general delivery
再斟酌;留待查覆 ad referendum
v. 虐待,酷使 maltreat
合作;焦虑地等待 play along
n.客栈;招待所 rest house
n.虐待;苛薄对待 mistreatment
n. 接待室,前房 anteroom
n.饮宴;免费招待 coshery
n.接待室;会客室 reception room
n.招待员;传达员 receptionist
v. 预期,盼望,期待 expect
n. 期待,指望,展望 expectation
v. 娱乐,招待,怀抱 entertain
v.打得遍体鳞伤;虐待 bemaul
n.雇主款待佣人的宴席 beano
adj.未完的;待续的 continued
n.免费入场券;优待券 annie oakley
ad. 虐待地,苛刻地 grindingly
v. 使工作过度,虐待 overtask
v. 迫害,虐待,困扰 persecute
n.以待决之问题为论据 petitio principii
n. 接待,欢迎,接受 reception
a. 好客的,招待周到的 hospitable
n. 前堂,前厅,接待室 antechamber
v. 待...如友,帮助 befriend
n.等待解释之术语或陈述 explicandum
v.可半价优待的两张戏票 twofer
n.供优待票乘客搭乘的列车 excursion train
n. 娱乐,款待,娱乐表演 entertainment
v. 使痛苦,使苦恼,虐待 bedevil
v.(文)等待(罕)仅用於 bidet
n.持优越感待人者;俯就者 condescendent
v. 等候,准备...以待 await
v. 处罚,惩罚,严厉对待 punish
n.政府官员举行的记者招待会 backgrounder

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