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中文 英文
flower;to spend;blossom;blurred
雕花 carving
灯花 snuff
插花 to arrange flowers
菜花 cauliflower
国花 national flower
桂花 sweet osmanthus
花费 to expend;to spend
花朵 flower
花灯 fancy lantern
花旦 vivacious female role in chinese opera
花车 float
花苞 calyx
花蕾 flower bud
花匠 gardener;horticulturist
花红 premium
花园 garden
花样 variety
花絮 small episodes of human
花托 torus
花市 flower market
花神 goddess of flowers
花圈 wreath
花钱 to blow money
花圃 flower nursery
花盆 flower pot
浪花 spray
花萼 calyx
梅花 plum blossom
赏花 to enjoy the sight of flowers
鲜花 fresh flowers
献花 to present flowers to
雪花 snowflake
眼花 eyes blurred
腰花 kidney
摘花 to pluck flowers
种花 to plant flowers
紫花 purple flower
玩花样 to play tricks
天花板 ceiling
桃花源 utopia
水仙花 daffodil;narcissus
耍花招 to play tricks;to show off some special skill
牵牛花 morning glory
奇花果 kiwi
抛花球 to throw an embroidered ball as a way to choose a
棉花衫 t-shirt
老花样 same old stuff
老花眼 presbyopia
花烛夜 wedding night

中文 英文
花体 curlycue
n.花序 anthotaxy
n.花谱 anthography
n.樱花 cherry blossom
n.小花 floscule
n.梅花 plum blossom
n.印花 tax stamp
n. 花莲 Hualien
n.花粉蜜 beebread
开花;发展 blossom out
n. 菊花 chrysanthemum
n.花粉囊 clinandrium
n. 棉花 cotton
n.棉花糖 cotton candy
n. 花生 earthnut
n.花露水 eau de cologne
v. 开花 effloresce
n. 开花 efflorescence
n.前花园 front garden
n.花粉热 hay fever
n. 花环 lei
n.山梅花 mock orange
n.落花生 monkey nut
n. 花束 nosegay
n.花生酱 peanut butter
n. 花被 perianth
n.花粉热 pollenosis
n.罂粟花 poppy flower
n.再开花 reflorescence
花托;视丘 thalami
n.花砖墙 tiled wall
n.雪花膏 vanishing cream
n.桃花心木 acajou
a. 花药的 antheral
n.白百合花 Madonna lily
棉棍;棉花棒 applicator
n. 杜鹃花 azalea
n. 凤仙花 balsamine
n. 花束) bouquet
n. 花椰菜 cauliflower
n. 天花板 ceiling
n.花花公子 chappie
n.花花公子 chappy
n.棉花子油 cottonseed oil
n.刻花玻璃 cut glass
n. 空花绣 cutwork
n.雏菊花环 daisy chain
n. 金英花 eschscholtzia
n.花式跳水 fancy dive
n.无花果树 fig tree

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