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中文 英文
反悔 to regret
反感 to be disgusted with
反覆 to repeat;again and again;to recur
反而 instead;on the contrary
反对 to object;to oppose
反常 abnormal;unusual
反驳 to refute
反叛 to revolt;to rebel
反派 villain in a drama
反目 to turn against
反面 reverse side
反省 to introspect
反射 to reflect
反正 anyway
造反 uprising;to rebel
相反 opposite
违反 to run counter to;to violate
平反 to redress a miscarriage of justice
谋反 to plot a rebellion
光反应 light reaction
反作用 reaction
反义词 antonym
反贪污 anti-corruption
反情报 counter-intelligence
反间谍 counterespionage

中文 英文
反对 argue against
反对 in opposition to
反对 oppose to
n.反控 counteraccusation
n.反击 counterblow
n.反击 counterpunch
大声反对 cry out against
竭力反对 kick against
装反射器 reflectorize
n.反射角 angle of reflection
n.反核子 antinucleon
n.反夸克 antiquark
n.反共振 antiresonance
n.反应炉 chainreactor
与..相反 contrary to
v.反示威 counterdemonstrate
n. 反证 counterevidence
n. 反例 counterexample
n.反刺激 counterirritation
n.反宣传 counterpropaganda
n.反引力 counterpull
n.逆反应 counterreaction
n.反侦察 counterreconnaissanc
n.反革命 counterrevolution
v. 违反 disobey
n.反问法 erotesis
违反;反对 go against
n.膝反射 knee jerk
n.反射计 reflectometer
n.反射计 reflectometry
n.反射弧 reflex arc
n.反射论 reflexology
反抗;反对 reluct
反对;矛盾 repugnance
n.反密码子 anticodon
ad. 反卷 acock
n.反铁磁性 antiferromagnetism
n. 反物质 antimatter
n. 反斜线 backlash
a. 反射的 catoptric
n.反对证书 counterdeed
n. 反压力 counterpressure
n. 反建议 counterproposal
n.地球反照 earthshine
n.同语反覆 epizeuxis
a. 反逆的 inversive
反之;相反地 on the contrary
n. 反影镜 pseudoscope
n. 反射比 reflectance
n. 反射率 reflectivity

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