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中文 英文
to try;to test;to examine;an examination
试验 to experiment;to test
试行 to try out
试图 to try
试探 to sound out;to explore
试航 trial trip;trial flight
试管 test tube
试飞 test flight
试场 test ground
口试 oral test;oral examination
考试 test;examination
尝试 to attempt;to try
笔试 written examination
试映 preview
试用品 trial products
试一试 to make a trial
试验性 experimental;tentative

中文 英文
试穿 try on
试用 try out
n.试婚 trial marriage
n.试管架 test tube rack
n.试飞员 test pilot
盖上;试穿 fit on
n.试验场 proving ground
n.试算表 trial balance
n.石蕊试纸 litmus paper
n.实地试验 field test
n.入学考试 entrance examination
n.原子试爆 atomic test
v.呼吸试验 breathalyse
n.容器;试管 cuvette
n.试婚;同居 companionate marriag
n.[化]试杯 test glass
n.试车;试航 trial run
n.试验餐;试吃 test meal
n. 试尝,试毒 prelibation
n. 实验,试验 experimentation
[计算机] 调试器 debugger
n.苦痛试炼;刑罚 crucifixion
n.测试者;试验者 conner
n. 考试及格证书 testamur
n.石蕊试纸;试卷 test paper
n. 试金石,标准 touchstone
n.试映;内部预映 trade show
n.查验者;试验物 trior
n.禁止核子武器试爆 test ban
n. 听,听力,试听 audition
n. 试金,分析试验 assaying
n. 试金者,分析专家 assayer
v.进行实验;进行试验 experimentize
n.试验者;实验主义者 experimentalist
n. 审判,试验,艰苦 trial
n.(细菌的)试管培育 tube culture
n. 试探者,试探,触角 feeler
n. 学期期中,期中考试 midsemester
n.酸性试验;严密的检查 acid test
n.希克氏白喉免疫性试验 Schick test
调试解调器传输数据的速率. Baud
n. 汽车试车场,赛车道路 motordrome
n.试车跑道;高速试验铁轨 test track
n. 考试人,试验装置,天盖 tester
n.火箭或飞弹的静止试验支架 test stand
n.剑桥大学文学士学位之初试 previous examination
n.(新生产技术的)试验工厂 pilot plant
n. 试验者,试验物,审问者 trier
n. 优等考试,其及格者名册 tripos
利用调试解调器发送信号的软件. Communication Progra

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