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中文 英文
查证 to check
对证 to verify
人证 testimony of a witness
凭证 evidence;certificate
考证 research
见证 witness;testimony
佐证 evidence
指证 to prove
证言 testimony
证书 certificate
证人 witness
证明 to prove;identification;testimonial
证件 papers;credentials
证词 testimony given as a court
印证 to confirm;to prove
引证 cite proof
听证 hearing
为证 to serve as evidence
作证 to testify
作伪证 bear false witness
通行证 pass
搜查证 search warrant
入境证 entry permit
许可证 permit;license
会员证 membership card
登机证 boarding pass
保证书 letter of guaranty
保证金 security deposit;guaranty money

中文 英文
作证 bear witness to
证明 give evidence of
保证 vouch for
身份证 i.d. card
n.保证金 caution money
n.登机证 boarding pass
n.公民证 citizenship papers
n. 反证 counterevidence
承诺;保证 give one's word
n.身份证 identification card
确信;证实 make sure
n. 签证 visa
n.保证人 warrantor
n. 身份证 Id
n.健康证书 bill of health
n. 证明者 certifier
n. 出证明 certification
n.公证结婚 civil marriage
n.反对证书 counterdeed
a. 直证的 deictic
n. 保证人 guarantor
n.保险证书 insurance policy
n. 公证人 notary
n.辩证神学 polemic theology
n.实证哲学 positive philosophy
n. 保证人 warranter
n.就业证件 working papers
n.残废证明书 certificate of disab
n.诊断证明书 certificate of diagn
n.死亡证明书 certificate of death
n.出生证明书 birth certificate
n.断言;保证 avouchment
a. 可保证的 assurable
n.进入许可证 access permit
n. 确证者 corroborator
n.反证;反驳 disproval
n. 领事证书 exequatur
n.狩猎许可证 game license
n.专利特许证 letters patent
n.初步的证据 prima facie evidence
n.遗嘱认证税 probate duty
vbl. 证明 proven
n.工会会员证 union card
adj.反证法的 apagogical
adj.反证法的 apagogic
n. 保释保证人 bailsman
n.证明者;证人 attestator
n. 证明,鉴定 authentication
v. 证明,保证 certify
n.有保证的放款 cash credit

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