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中文 英文
词意 meaning of a word or phrase
词法 morphology
动词 verb
介词 preposition
冠词 article
歌词 lyrics
副词 adverb
推词 excuse
台词 actor's lines
饰词 excuse
誓词 oath;pledge
名词 term;noun
谀词 flattery;flattering words
助词 auxiliary word in grammar
致词 to address;to make a speech
证词 testimony given as a court
训词 instruction;admonition
形容词 adjective
相似词 synonym
连接词 conjunction
反义词 antonym
动名词 gerund
定冠词 definite article
闭幕词 closing address

中文 英文
颂词的 panegyrical
n. 副词 adverb
n.助动词 helping verb
n.混合词 loanblend
n. 名词 noun
n.混合词 portmanteau word
n. 动词 verb
n.动名词 verbal noun
n.集合名词 collective noun
n.普通名词 common noun
a. 副词的 adverbial
n.抽象名词 abstract noun
n.虚悬分词 dangling participle
n.词源字典 etymologicon
n.限定动词 finite verbs
a. 分词的 participial
n. 介系词 preposition
n.现在分词 present participle
n.动词变化 verbal inflection
v. 动词化 verbify
n.让步连接词 concessive conjuncti
n.反意连接词 disjunctive conjunct
a. 形容词的 adjectival
adj.颂词的 eulogistic
adj.颂词的 eulogistical
n.人称代名词 personal pronoun
n.述语形容词 predicate adjective
adv.述词地 predicatively
n.介系词片语 prepositional phrase
n.词类;字类 word class
n. 接续词省略 asyndeton
adv.当副词地 adverbially
n.虚词;语助词 expletive
n.绝对分词子句 nominative absolute
n.所有格形容词 possessive adjective
n.所有格代名词 possessive pronoun
贬义词,指梦想利用 Carpetnetter
n. 赞词,颂德文 eulogy
adj.华丽词藻的 euphuistic
adj.华丽词藻的 euphuistical
n. 惊呼,惊叹词 exclamation
n. 后置,后置词 postposition
article 冠词 art.
v.hew的过去分词 hewn
n.用词错误;不适当 impropriety
v.以言词或拳脚攻击 lay into
n.普通名称;普通名词 common name
n.逆序造词;倒反构词 backformation
v.bind的过去分词 bounden
n. 文章,冠词,物品 article

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