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中文 英文
记仇 to bear grudges
惦记 to keep thinking about;to remember with concern
记取 to remember;to keep in mind
记名 to record the name
记录 to record;record;note;to take notes
记恨 to bear grudges
记过 to record a demerit
切记 to keep in mind
默记 memorize
记者 newsman;correspondent;reporter
记帐 to keep accounts;on credit
记忆 to remember;memory
记性 memory
簿记 bookkeeping
标记 mark;sign;symbol
书记 clerk;secretary
熟记 to learn by heart;to memorize
忘记 forget
有记号 markedness
速记员 stenographer
双城记 a tale of two cities
书记官 clerk
日记簿 book of diary
笔记本 notebook
记事本 notebook;appointment book
记分员 scorekeeper;marker
登记员 registrar
登记费 registration fees
登记簿 register
创记录 to set a new record

中文 英文
登记 enter up
记录 keep track of
记下 note down
n.记录 annal
牢记在心 bear in mind
充电;记账 charge up
登记;预订 book in
n. 簿记 bookkeeping
n. 传记 biography
n. 日记 diary
v. 忘记 disremember
想像;记忆 in one's mind's eye
忘记;忽略 lose sight of
记下;减价 mark down
记账;涨价 mark up
n.记事纸 memo pad
v.再登记 reinscribe
a. 传记的 biographical
n. 簿记员 bookkeeper
n. 利未记 Leviticus
n. 申命记 Deuteronomy
a. 后记的 adscript
n.连续记号 dal segno
n.记实戏剧 docudrama
n.新闻记者 gentleman of the pre
匆匆摘记下来 jot down
n.战地记者 war correspondent
n.记名式支票 check to order
n. 传记作者 biographer
n.记事;杂录 adversaria
n.赊帐;记帐 charge account
n.不记名背书 blank endorsement
n.法院书记官 court reporter
n.忘记;忘掉 disremembrance
n.肠动描记器 enterograph
n.记忆力减低 hypomnesia
n.背诵;熟记 heart
n. 拼合记号 monomark
n.记者招待会 news conference
n.女新闻记者 news hen
n. 新闻记者 newshawk
n. 标记页数 pagination
n. 短评记者 paragrapher
n.音标速记法 phonotypy
n.痛觉描记器 ponograph
n.记者招待会 press conference
n.记载;记录 recordation
n.让渡登记簿 transfer book
n.访客登记簿 visiting book

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