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中文 英文
指认 to identify
招认 to confess
误认 to identify incorrectly
认罪 to plead guilty
认输 to concede defeat
认识 to know
认命 to accept one's fate
认领 to adopt
认定 to conclude
认错 admit mistake
默认 tacit approval;to acquiesce;acquiescence
公认 generally accepted
供认 to confess
否认 to deny
承认 to admit;to concede
辨认 to recognize;to identify

中文 英文
认为 think of
认得路 find one's way
否认的 renunciative
否认的 renunciatory
认为优先 give priority to
认为;相信 be of opinion that
v. 认为 deem
v. 承认 homologate
爽快地承认 own up
v.再否认 redeny
否认;拒绝 renouncement
n. 确认 validation
n. 认识论 epistemology
n.被告承认书 cognovit
n.逃避;认罪 cop out
大胆面对;承认 face up to
a. 难辨认的 illegible
v. 认购超额 oversubscribe
n.遗嘱认证税 probate duty
v.拒绝;否认 renunciate
vbl. 确认 validating
n. 承认,确认 acknowledgement
n. 公认的意义 acceptation
n. 赞成,承认 approval
v. 承认新地主 attorn
v. 认知,认识 cognize
v. 否认,否定 disavow
a. 可以确认的 identifiable
开玩笑;非认真地 in fun
只认识某人之名字 know someone by name
v. 证明,确认 notarize
v. 宽容,默认 tolerate
a. 未经认可的 unauthorized
a. 不可否认的 undeniable
a. 未经确认的 unidentified
a. 可以认识到的 cognoscible
n.承认者;赞同者 approver
n.证明者;认证者 authenticator
n. 认定为私生子 bastardization
视..为一体;认同 identify .. with
n.出版许可;认可 imprimatur
n.认识者;理解者 knower
v.再证实;再确认 reconfirm
v. 惋惜,认为遗憾 bemoan
n.转让;承认新地主 attornment
n.合法化;认为正当 legitimization
a. 认识的,意识的 recognizant
视作平常;认为无价值 think nothing of
v. 声明,承认,招认 avow
v. 断言,声言,承认 avouch

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