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中文 英文
厥倒 to faint;to swoon
压倒 to surpass;to win
倾倒 to tumble;great admiration for someone
扑倒 fall
潦倒 disappointed;frustrated
拉倒 to forget about it;to drop it
击倒 to knock down
跪倒 to kneel down
翻倒 to capsize;a turnover;to turn over
跌倒 to tumble;to fall down
颠倒 to put upside down;to reverse
倒置 set up wrong;to place upside down;to invert
倒塌 to collapse;to topple down
倒霉 to have bad luck;to be out of luck
倒立 handstand;to stand upside down
倒闭 to close down;to go bankrupt or insolvent
打倒 to overthrow

中文 英文
卧倒 fall flat
吹倒 blow down
倾倒 topple over
绊倒 trip over
贫病潦倒 be down and out
n.倒名 ananym
压倒性的 inundatory
n. 倒立 handstand
插叙;倒叙 flash back
砍倒;删节 cut down
n.倒煞车 coaster brake
倒下;跪拜 fall down
n.倒电容 elastance
打倒;病倒 down with
v. 打倒 abas
n.倒置法 anastrophy
n.倒置法 anastrophe
n. 倒钩 barb
打倒;杀价 beat down
n. 倒立 headstand
v.使倒下 lay low
扔下;推倒 throw down
因..而病倒 be in bed with
击倒;使狼狈 bowl over
v.击倒在地 lay flat
n. 性倒错 transvestism
毛状体;倒睫 trichomata
n.倒数时间 zero count
n.失足;摔倒 false step
n.逆转;倒旋 backspin
n.潦倒的生活 dog's life
n.倒空;空出 emptying
n.颠倒;曲解 perversion
倒转;彻底搜查 turn upside down
n.牛头犬;摔倒 bulldog
adj.倒装法的 hyperbatic
adv.倒装法地 hyperbatically
n.大美人;打倒 knockout
n. 倒落,坠落 purler
adv.逆地;倒地 conversely
n.倒置法;逆序法 hysteron proteron
v. 推翻,向前倒 topple
adv.倒置;颠倒 upside down
adj.植物半倒性的 amphitropous
n.[拳击]技术击倒 technical knockout
a. 绊倒的,轻快的 tripping
n. 倒退,逆流,涡流 backset
v. 倒踏脚踏板,后退 backpedal
n.逆序造词;倒反构词 backformation
adj.倒数第三音节的 antepenultimate

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