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中文 英文
回信 letter in reply;to write back
宠信 to favor and trust
潮信 tides
拆信 to open a letter
坚信 to believe firmly
失信 to break one's promise
确信 to make sure;to believe firmly
轻信 to believe readily
亲信 confidant
平信 ordinary letter;surface mail
迷信 superstition
送信 to carry letters;to deliver a message
书信 letters
信义 good faith
信仰 faith;belief
信箱 mailbox;post office box
信息 information;news
信徒 disciple;believer
信条 creed
信实 honesty;good faith
信念 faith;belief
信笺 stationery
信号 signal
信鸽 carrier pigeon
信奉 to believe in
信差 mailman
写信 write letter
相信 to believe in
笃信 believe devoutly
自信 self-confident
置信 to believe
信札 letter
信用状 letter of credit
信用卡 credit card
推荐信 letter of recommendation
通信社 news agency
受信人 addressee
介绍信 recommendation letter
检举信 letter of accusation
匿名信 anonymous letter
寄信人 sender
航空信 air mail
风信子 hyacinth;hyacinthine
发信人 the sender of a letter
电信局 the telecommunications bureau
传信鸽 homing pigeon

中文 英文
确信 be sure of
信赖 entrust with
n.迷信 ABerglaube Info
n.快信 express letter
n.信筒 letter box
n.信差 letter carrier
n.信夹 letter file
n.信箱 mail box
背信;食言 back out
认为;相信 be of opinion that
带信;传言 bring word
使..相信 convince .. of
符合;通信 correspond with
教理;信条 dogmata
n. 书信 epistle
n.传信鸽 homing pigeon
确信;证实 make sure
n.公开信 open letter
n.明信片 postal card
依赖;信赖 rely on
n.电信局 telecommunication of
n.电信局 telephone office
信赖;信任 trust in
加密信件." Privacy Enhanced Mai
信息高速公路 Infobahn
n.甘地信徒 Gandhist
数据通信设备 DCE
n.用户信息 UserInfo
n.使徒信条 apostles' creed
n.通信工程 communication engine
n.任用亲信 cronyism
v.半信半疑 dubitate
对..之信心 faith in
对..有信心 have belief in
某人相信.. it is one's belief t
n. 不信任 nonconfidence
n. 不信赖 nonreliance
n.定时信管 time fuse
n.警报信号 warning signal
n.开窗信封 window envelope
信息高速公路的 Base Band
n. 救难信号 Mayday
n.狡诈;背信 Punic faith
n. 野风信子 bluebell
n.写信给某人 drop a line
n.骑马的信差 estafette
n.信仰治疗法 faith cure
n.信仰治疗法 faith healing
n. 反光信号 heliogram

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