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中文 英文
委任 to appoint;a commission
胜任 to be competent enough for a job
任用 to appoint
任性 headstrong;self-willed;wilful;wayward
任情 to let oneself go;as much as one likes
任凭 without restriction
任免 to appoint and remove
任何 any
前任 predecessor
留任 continue in office
历任 to have served successively as
就任 to take office
接任 to take over a job
兼任 to hold a part-time job;part time
继任 to succeed to a position
放任 to let alone
出任 to take office
专任 full-time
主任 chairman;director;head
重任 important task
责任 responsibility;duty
新任务 a new job;a new task

中文 英文
任期 tour of duty
任公职 hold offices
适合担任 be cut out for
等於;胜任 equal to
n.委任状 letter of attorney
n.委任书 power of attorney
信赖;信任 trust in
胜任;从事於 be up to
n.任用亲信 cronyism
n.总务主任 chief of general aff
n.到任国书 letters of credence
n. 不信任 nonconfidence
n. 任意删除 bowdlerism
n. 被任命者 appointee
n.授权;叙任 investiture
n.兼职;兼任 plural offices
adv.信任地 unsuspectingly
n.前任者;前辈 antecessor
v. 信任,授权 accredit
v. 任命,指定 appoint
n. 主任,主管 director
n. 适任,合格 eligibility
n. 不住在任所 nonresidence
n.提供证据之责任 burden of proof
n.任命者;指派者 appointer
n. 码头现场主任 dockmaster
n.全部时间;专任 full time
n.初任事者;新兵 johnny raw
n.放任;自由主义 laisser faire
n.放任;自由主义 laissez faire
n.未受任命的士官 noncom
n.不适当;不胜任 unfitness
a. 由任命而充当的 appointive
n.长官之职位或任期 chancellorship
像..一样;任凭.. as .. as
全集;任何事物之主体 corpora
n.执行官;主任参谋 executive officer
a. 适当的,胜任的 fitter
a. 适当的,胜任的 fittest
ad. 不到任何地方 nowhither
n. 任期,管区,县 prefecture
n.总督的职位或任期 proconsulate
n.总督的职位或任期 proconsulship
n.摄政之职位或任期 protectorship
v. 再提名,再任命 renominate
n. 再指名,再任命 renomination
a. 相信的,信任的 trustful
n.不诚实;不可信任 truthlessness
n. 胜任,资格,能力 competence
v. 构成,组成,任命 constitute

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