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中文 英文
to follow;from;to listen to
听从 to obey
顺从 to yield to;to submit to
侍从 a follower;retinue
盲从 to follow blindly
服从 to obey
从良 to get married
从今 from now on;henceforth
从犯 accessory criminal;accessory
从此 hence

中文 英文
自从 ever since
侍从 famuli
顺从 in compliance with
从前 once upon a time
从事於 be engaged in
从事於 be about
从事於 employ oneself in
从事於 engage in
从心底 imo pectore
从此以後 from now on
从古至今 in all ages
鞠躬;服从 bow down
从..出来 come out of
顾客;侍从 clientage
遵守;服从 abide by
从事;讨论 go into
从容不迫的 leisured
n.男侍从 valet de chambre
胜任;从事於 be up to
埋头专心从事 bend one's head over
n.从那时起 from that time on
从来没听说过 never heard of it
n.依从;屈从 compliableness
n.助手;侍从 famulus
从一地到另一地 from one place to an
从一端到另一端 from side to side
n.王室的侍从 gentleman in waiting
n.侍从;仆役 gillie
n.侍从;男仆 gilly
v.从球座开球 tee off
n.仆役;随从 valet
n.女从军商人 vivandiere
n. 侍从,管家 chamberlaine
v. 顺从,答应 comply
n.不服从;倔强 contumacy
prep.的;从 de
n. 顺从,温顺 docility
n.雇工;从业员 employe
n.反抗;不顺从 recalcitrance
n.反抗;不顺从 recalcitrancy
v. 从下面露出 underlap
v. 从事,保证 undertake
n.依从的;屈从的 compliable
ad. 以前,从前 beforetime
v. 从...除雾 defog
与..接洽;从事於 engaged with
n.从事精神活动者 exercitant
adv.从此;由此 herefrom
调查;从上面看过去 look over
n.将官的随身侍从 personal staff

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