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中文 英文
出版 to publish
抽出 to pull out;to draw out
撤出 to withdraw;to pull out
察出 find out that
标出 mark out
出奔 leave
出产 to manufacture
出境 to leave a country
出价 to offer a price
出家 to become a monk or a nun
出汗 to perspire;to sweat
出轨 to derail
出纳 to receive and pay out money
出马 to take action;to take the field
出笼 to get out from a cage
拿出 to take out
漏出 to leak out
拉出 pull up
救出 to help out;to save;to rescue
借出 to lend
滚出 roll out
付出 to pay;payment
放出 to release;to emit
翻出 to turn out
贷出 to lend
出殡 hold funeral procession
出走 to go away;to leave
出众 outstanding;distinguishing
出狱 to be released from jail
出现 to show up;to appear
出息 of good prospects
出土 to come out of earth;to be unearthed
出庭 to appear in court
出示 to show;to present
搬出 to move out
出生 to be born
出色 distinguishing
出任 to take office
出去 to get out;to go out
出勤 attendance;on duty
出处 source of origin
抛出 to throw out
取出 take out of
日出 sunrise
渗出 leak out;exudation
输出 out put;export
赎出 to redeem
岁出 annual expenditures
推出 thrust out
献出 to dedicate

中文 英文
呼出 breathe out
提出 bring something up
掘出 dig out
流出 drain away
流出 drain off
发出 give off
出国 go abroad
迁出 move out
指出 point out
租出 rent out
退出 withdraw from
出身於 be born of
出神地 fascinatedly
出席在 present at
出版社 publishing company
计算出 work out at
n.提出 bring something forw
抽不出空 have no time to spar
探身出去 lean out
发出声音 make a sound
全部写出 write out
让步;退出 back down
输入/输出 I/O
n. 出生 birth
养育;提出 bring up
开除;赶出 cast out
n.脑出血 cerebral hemorrhage
从..出来 come out of
提出;拿出 come up with
表演;演出 concertize
v. 献出 dedicate
掘出;发掘 dig up
自..出现 emerge from
n. 出差 evection
v. 掘出 exhume
n.脐突出 exomphalos
发出;发散 give forth
交出;移交 hand over
孵出;策划 hatch out
爱好;提出 have a taste for
n. 出血 hemorrhage
持续;伸出 hold out
踢出;开除 kick out
择出;设计 lay out
出於好奇心 out of curiosity
挑选;拣出 pick out
打电话出外 telephone off
v. 渗出 transude
逐出;翻转 turn out
n.动脉出血 arterial bleeding

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