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中文 英文
徵募 to conscript;to enlist
召募 to enlist
招募 to enlist;to recruit
劝募 to ask for contribution
募款 to raise money
募兵 to enlist soldiers
捐募 to collect contributions

中文 英文
n.徵募者;女兵 enlistee
n.徵募者;募兵者 enlister
n. 徵募,服役期间 enlistment
n.筹款;募款adj.筹款的 fundraising
n. 徵兵,募兵,徵募的士兵 conscription
v. 徵募,徵发扣作己物,罢占 commandeer
n. 雪球,打雪仗,滚雪球式的募捐法;v. 向.. Hsnowball

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