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中文 英文
帮助 to help;assistance;to assist
求助 to ask for help;to turn to someone's help
捐助 to offer assistance
借助 to draw assistance from
赞助 to sponsor;to support
援助 to aid;to help
协助 help;to aid;to assist
助力 help;assistance
助教 teaching assistant
助词 auxiliary word in grammar
自助 to help oneself
助学金 stipend;grant-in-aid
助选会 campaign club
助听器 deaf-aid;hearing aid;audiphone
助熔剂 flux
助产士 midwife;maternity nurse
贤内助 good wife
互助会 mutual aid association
补助费 a subsidy

中文 英文
帮助 lend a hand
援助某人 come to a person's a
大有帮助 be a great help
大有助益 do a great deal of g
帮助某人 do someone a favor
n.互助会 benefit association
n.自助餐 buffet dinner
n.助色团 auxochrome
n.助教授 assistant professor
n.助听器 hearing aid
n.助动词 helping verb
n. 协助者 collaborationist
n.帮助文件 README
发射辅助火箭 RATO
个人数据助手 PDA
n. 助产士 accoucheuse
n. 助听器 Acousticon
n. 助听器 audiphone
n. 自助餐 buffet
n.帮助某人 give a hand
有助於;促进 help to
藉..之帮助 with the help of
n. 自助餐厅 cafeteria
n.辅助发动机 donkey engine
n.竞选;助选 electioneering
n.助手;侍从 famulus
n.援助;增强 reenforcement
n.援助;强固 reinforcement
n. 共同赞助者 cosponsor
n. 侍僧,助手 acolyte
因..向..求助 appeal to for
n. 协助,援助 assistance
n.喇叭状助听器 ear trumpet
n.虚词;语助词 expletive
n. 帮忙者,助手 helper
站在..一边;赞助 on the side of
a. 辅助正规军的 paramilitary
a. 补助的,从犯的 accessorial
乐意帮助;听..使唤 at one's service
n.医学院实验室助手 diener
n.辅助发动机管理工 donkeyman
[计算机] 帮助文件 helpfilec
n.由...主办及赞助 auspices
n. 赞助,主办,吉兆 auspice
adv.有益地;有助地 conducively
adj.捐助的;参加的 contributory
n. 拐杖,支柱,帮助 crutch
n. 救出,救助,释放 deliverance
v. 捐赠,捐助,赋与 endow
n. 捐助,天赋,才能 endowment

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