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中文 英文
蠢动 to wriggle
变动 change;alternation
被动 passive
暴动 insurrection;riot;rebellion
摆动 to sway;to swing
动脉 artery
动乱 disturbance;turmoil
动机 motive
动词 verb
动笔 to start writing
发动 to start;to launch
抖动 to tremble;to shake
动员 to mobilize
动议 motion
动刑 to torture
动向 trends
动物 animal
动听 to be pleasant to listen to
舞动 to flourish;to brandish
推动 push about
跳动 to beat
生动 lively
扇动 to stir up;to incite;to instigate
骚动 commotion;to riot
蠕动 to squirm;peristalsis;to wriggle
扰动 to stir;to agitate
飘动 waft
挪动 to move
扭动 to wriggle;to twist
雷动 thunderous
劳动 physical labor;to labor;to work
开动 to start working;to operate
举动 move;act
机动 power-driven;flexible;mobile;in reserve
活动 activity;to exercise
晃动 to rock;to sway
滑动 to glide;sliding
好动 very active and restless
滚动 roll over
更动 to change;to alter
浮动 to waft;floating
动手 to start work
动容 to change countenance
动情 to become enamoured
主动 initiative
转动 to turn
走动 to walk about;to move about
新动向 a new trend
小动作 little trick
动名词 gerund

中文 英文
自动地 of oneself
v.震动 concuss
静止不动 hold still
n.动觉 kinaesthesia
室外活动 outdoor activity
n.动产 personal property
女权运动 women's liberation
n. 动作 action
n. 动物 animal
n.动物界 animal kingdom
n. 动脉 arteriography
n. 运动 athletics
n.小动物 beastie
v. 振动 bob
n. 动产 chattel
n.受动器 effector
动物区系的 faunal
动物区系的 faunistic
n.浮动桥 float bridge
n.运动鞋 gym shoes
n.助动词 helping verb
有推动力地 impulsively
n.小动物 inchling
n.运动病 kinetosis
劳工移动率 labor turnover
n.动员令 mobilization order
n. 动产 personalty
n.肺动脉 pulmonary artery
v. 抽动 vellicate
n. 动词 verb
n.动名词 verbal noun
v. 振动 vibrate
激动;生气 worked up
n.动物园 zoological garden
n.後生动物 Metazoa
v.自动更正 AutoCorrect
n.牛津运动 Oxford movement
n.牛津运动 Tractarianism
n.加速运动 accelerated motion
n.动态照片 action shot
n.流动资本 active capital
n. 动脉瘤 aneurysm
动物艺术画家 animalist
n. 大动脉 aorta
n.主动脉炎 aortitis
n.动脉出血 arterial bleeding
n. 细动脉 arteriole
a. 运动的 athletic
n.自动催化 autocatalysis
n.自动调整 autoconditioning

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