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中文 英文
关怀 concern;to show concern
关灯 to switch off the light
关闭 to shut;to close
关照 to take care of;to notify
关头 a key point
关涉 relations
关切 to be deeply concerned;to show concern
关门 to close shop;to close the door
关口 juncture;check-point
关境 customs frontier
有关 relevant;concerned with
玄关 door of a house;entrance to buddhism
无关 to have nothing to do with
双关 having a double meaning
难关 crisis
开关 switch
机关 mechanism;organization;institution;stratagem;schem
过关 to pass a test
鬼门关 danger spot;gate of hell
关节炎 arthritis
关键字 key word

中文 英文
关住 bar up
关於 in reference to
关於 in regard to
关於 in respect of
关於 with reference to
关於 with regard to
关于 wrt
相关地 relatively
关在外面 bar out
杵臼关节 enarthroses
度过难关 pull through
关於;至於 as to
至於;关於 as for
n.关节病 arthropathy
n.关节学 arthrology
n. 关岛 Guam
n.报关单 bill of entry
n. 海关 customhouse
n.报关行 customs broker
n.关税表 customs tariffs
关紧;坚持 fasten up
与..有关 have something to do
与..有关 in relation to
关於;至於 in the case of
n.膝关节 knee joint
关於;至於 with respect to
n.丛和关节 amphiarthrosis
n. 关节炎 arthritis
n.关税联盟 customs union
n. 机关枪 emmagee
n.出口关税 export tax
与..有关连 have to do with
关於..方面 in the way of
n.闸刀开关 knife switch
n.优惠关税 preferential duties
n.关税壁垒 tariff wall
n.肘节开关 toggle switch
n.关节软瘤 windgall
a. 关节炎的 arthritic
adj.关节的 articular
压抑;咬紧牙关 bite one's lips
n. 因果关系 causality
prep.关於 concerning
n. 夫妇关系 connubiality
n. 股关节痛 coxalgia
v. 相互关连 interrelate
n. 相互关系 interrelation
a. 无关系的 irrelative
n. 血族关系 kinship

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