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中文 英文
besides;to eliminate;except
消除 to eliminate;to wipe out
削除 cut off
剔除 to reject
扫除 to wipe out
清除 to get rid of;to remove
免除 to exempt
扣除 to deduct
戒除 to quit;to give up
解除 to remove;to relieve one's duty
渐除 grow out of
根除 to root out;to eradicate
革除 to rid
割除 cut out
废除 to annul;to abolish
除外 besides;except
除草 to cut weeds;to weed
拔除 to pull out;to uproot
铲除 to eradicate;to uproot
除名 to expel
除害 destroy evil
除法 division
除草剂 herbicide
被除数 dividend
除湿机 dehumidifier

中文 英文
废除 cast aside
废除 do away with
解除 want out
n.拆除 backout
n.除号 division sign
清除灰尘 dust out
n.除夕 new year's eve
开除;赶出 cast out
n. 废除 abrogation
v. 废除 abrogate
除去;梳理 comb out
除去;取消 cross off
切除;砍掉 cut away
v.使除役 decommission
v. 扣除 deduct
v. 除霜 defrost
免除;省却 dispense with
免除;去掉 get rid of
踢出;开除 kick out
n. 删除 palinode
除掉;移开 remove .. from
拆卸;除去 tear down
v. 解除 unchain
v. 免除 waive
v.解除充血 decongest
v.解除禁运 disembargo
v.除去肠子 embowel
除了..以外 except for
v.切除肝脏 hepatectomize
n. 除草剂 herbicide
v.切除垂体 hypophysectomize
v.切除子宫 hysterectomize
n. 切除术 resection
n.排除;阻止 debarment
n.肋骨切除术 costotomy
n.肋骨切除术 costectomy
n.简明;切除 conciseness
v.肾上腺切除 adrenalectomize
删除旧版本的" OS5.0版本后
n. 任意删除 bowdlerism
推至一旁;排除 brush aside
n.胆囊切除术 cholecystotomy
n.胆囊切除术 cholecystectomy
v. 除去碳酸 decarbonate
v. 除去碳素 decarbonize
a. 可扣除的 deductible
v. 除去瓦斯 degas
n.消除毒气剂 degasifier
n. 除冰装置 deicer
vbl. 删除 deleting

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