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中文 英文
to clothe;dress;clothing
大衣 overcoat
穿衣 to put on clothes
成衣 ready-made garment
布衣 scholars;common people
便衣 plainclothesman;plain clothes
换衣 to change clothes
寒衣 winter clothes
皮衣 leather coat
内衣 underwear;undergarment
脱衣 to take off one's clothes;to undress
苔衣 moss
寿衣 shroud
衣料 clothing material
衣襟 lapel of a coat
衣夹 dress hanger
衣服 clothes
衣橱 clothespress;wardrobe
熏衣 to fumigate clothing
新衣 new clothes
衣袖 gusset
衣裳 clothes
雨衣 raincoat
熨衣服 to iron clothes
游泳衣 swimming suit
衣帽间 cloak room
羊毛衣 woolen wear
洗衣服 to wash clothes
洗衣店 laundry
染衣服 dye dress
晾衣服 to air clothes
紧身衣 jersey;tights
金缕衣 jacket of gold threads
更衣室 dressing room
防火衣 fireproof-clothes
短外衣 jacket

中文 英文
胞衣 amnia
寿衣 graveclothes
n.浴衣 bath gown
n.泳衣 bathing dress
n.泳衣 bathing costume
n.泳衣 bathing suit
n.衣架 clothes rack
n.睡衣 night clothes
n.睡衣 nightclothes
n.内衣 undies
n.衣橱柜 chifforobe
n.更衣室 changeroom
n. 浴衣 bathrobe
n.洗衣筐 buck basket
n.更衣室 bathing box
n. 衣服 clothes
n.衣帽架 clothes tree
n. 衣刷 clothesbrush
n.晒衣架 clotheshorse
n. 衣橱 clothespress
n. 衣服 clothing
n.衣帽架 coatrack
n.防弹衣 flak jacket
n.皮大衣 fur coat
n.衣帽架 hat tree
n. 金衣 iridium
n.救生衣 life jacket
n. 睡衣 nighty
n.太空衣 penguin suit
n. 夹衣 pourpoint
n.泳衣美人 bathing beauty
n. 晒衣绳 clothesline
n. 旧衣商 clothesman
n. 晒衣柱 clothespole
n. 短白衣 cotta
n.脱衣舞女 ecdysiast
n.熨平衣服 ironing
n.上衣;击 jacketing
n. 挽衣女 laundress
n.长内衣裤 longies
n.女低胸衣 low dress
n. 紧身衣 maillot
n.貂皮大衣 mink coat
n.大穿衣镜 pier glass
n. 内衣裤 underwear
n.衣服;装束 attirement
n. 大型衣橱 armoire
n.寿衣;蜡布 cerement
n.晒衣绳支柱 clothesprop
n.被覆;衣料 coating

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