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中文 英文
to receive;to lead;to guide;collars;neck;to unders
占领 to occupy
头领 leader
首领 leader;head;chief
认领 to adopt
领罪 admit
领域 domain
领袖 leader
领悟 to comprehend
领土 territory
领事 consul
领情 to appreciate the kindness
领略 to experience;to realize
领款 to draw money
领空 territorial sky
领结 a bow tie
领奖 accept award
领航 navigation
领港 pilot
领地 territory
领带 necktie
领兵 to lead troops
将领 general
带领 to lead
总领事 consulate general
红领巾 red scarf
领带针 tie tack

中文 英文
领袖 bell cow
政党领袖" Tammany 派的干部
n.领先 head start
n.领头 jacket collar
领头;邀 lead out
n.领海 mare clausum
n.领海 marine belt
n.领海 maritime belt
n.总领事 consul general
n. 翻领 lapel
n.领带夹 tie bar
n.蝶形领结 bow tie
n.领圣餐者 communionist
a. 领事的 consular
n.领事代办 consular agent
n.飞越领空 overflight
n. 领唱人 precentor
n.领带别针 tie pin
n.领导啦啦队 cheerleading
n.领事裁判权 consular jurisdictio
n.元首;领袖 duce
n. 领事证书 exequatur
n.领地;采邑 feod
n.将领的才能 generalship
率领前进;嘲弄 lead on
n.招领之失物 lost property
n.庄园;领地 manor
n.领主之宅邸 manor house
n.领港;指导 pilotage
n.领先;上席 precedency
n.取回;领回 recaption
n.接受;领受 recipience
n. 领带别针 tiepin
adv.领悟地 understandingly
n.旅馆男侍领班 bell captain
n. 酋长,领袖 cacique
n. 胸针,领针 brooch
n. 酋长,首领 chieftain
n.穿西装打领带 coat and tie
n.留局待领信件 general delivery
n.领奖人;主宾 honoree
n. 首领,贵族 jarl
n. 地主,领主 laird
n. 伯爵,领土 landgrave
n. 首领,大人 panjandrum
v. 挪用,盗领 peculate
领航[港]的职业 piloting
n. 汇款领取人 remittee
n.再占领;收复 reoccupation
v.再占领;收复 reoccupy

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