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中文 英文
to lose;thanks;deficient
多亏 it is fortunate that
吃亏 to take the worst of it
盈亏 waxing and waning of the moon;profit and loss
幸亏 luckily;fortunately
亏损 deficit;enfeebled or weakened by illness
亏欠 deficit
亏待 to treat someone shabbily

中文 英文
n.盈亏帐目 profit and loss
n.受恩惠;亏欠 indebtedness
v. 亏欠,负债,感恩 owes
ad. 幸运地,幸亏,侥幸 luckily
v. 亏欠,负...债,感恩 owe
n. 衰微,亏缺,变弱;v. 变小,亏缺,呈下弦 wane
v. 亏欠,负债,感恩;vbl. 亏欠,负债,感恩 owed

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