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中文 英文
难忘 unforgettable
难说 difficult to say
难事 difficult task
难忍 unbearable
难耐 unbearable;unable to endure
难免 inevitable
难堪 embarrassed
难讲 hard to say
难关 crisis
难度 difficulty;degree of difficulty
难道 really
难缠 hard to deal with
难胞 refugee;compatriot refugee
磨难 hardship;suffering
两难 a dilemma
困难 difficult;difficulty;hard
艰难 hard;difficult
患难 adversity;trouble
海难 perils of the sea;wreck;disaster at sea
国难 national crisis
不难 easy;not difficult
避难 to find or take refuge
罹难 to die in a disaster or an accident;to be murdered
灾难 disaster;catastrophe;misfortune
畏难 to fear difficulty
危难 disaster;in danger
受难 to suffer calamities or disasters
难住 be confounded
难为情 ashamed

中文 英文
n.难民 displaced person
n.难产 dystocia
度过难关 pull through
n.难题 vexed question
要点;难题 cruces
非常难为情 burn with shame
n. 困难 difficulty
n.避难港 port of distress
n. 非难 reprehension
n.呼吸困难 dyspnoea
n.处境困难 tight squeeze
困难;使强壮 toughen up
n. 难题,谜 brainteaser
n.难解;深奥 abstrusity
n. 救难信号 Mayday
n.灾难;有害 balefulness
adv.责难地 accusingly
n. 责难的人 decrier
n. 排尿困难 dysuria
a. 难辨认的 illegible
n. 难以矫正 incorrigibility
不足为奇;难怪 no wonder
a. 难抵抗的 opposeless
n.非难;指责 reproval
a. 难获得的 unobtainable
v. 困惑,为难 baffle
v. 批判,非难 animadvert
n. 批评,非难 animadversion
处於困难或危险中 be in trouble
v.欺诈;使为难 bamboozle
v. 责难,诽谤 decry
n.遇难信号火箭 distress rocket
n.港湾;避难所 harbour
n. 责难,攻击 impugnment
n. 难发音的字 jawbreaker
n. 危难,危险 jeopardy
n. 难看,畸形 malformation
v. 申斥,非难 objurgate
n. 叱责,非难 objurgation
n. 谴责,非难 reproof
a. 难以置信的 unbelievable
不体面的;难看的 unsightly
n.防空壕;避难室 bomb shelter
困恼;难以忍受之事 bitter pill
n.难产时的碎胎术 embryotomy
n.停泊处;避难所 harborage
adv.难以置信地 implausibly
n. 难驾驭,棘手 intractability
n.救生艇;救难船 lifeboat
n. 避难所,避难 refuge

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