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中文 英文
聚餐 to dine together
进餐 have meal
会餐 to dine together;to have a dinner party
餐厅 restaurant;dining hall
餐巾 napkin
便餐 informal and plain dinner
饱餐 make a meal of
佐餐 to be eaten together with rice or bread
中餐 chinese food;lunch;chinese meal
早餐 breakfast
圣餐 holy communion
快餐店 fast food shop

中文 英文
做晚餐 make dinner
n.餐车 dining car
n.餐车 club car
n.餐车 buffet car
n.餐室 dining room
n. 早餐 brekker
n.餐具室 butler's pantry
n.自助餐 buffet dinner
n.小餐厅 cenacle
n.圣餐礼 communion service
n.圣餐杯 communion cup
n.大餐厅 dining hall
n. 一餐 meal
n. 小餐馆 chophouse
n.领圣餐者 communionist
n.切肉餐叉 carving fork
n.简易午餐 buffet lunch
n. 自助餐 buffet
n. 早午餐 brunch
n.欧式早餐 continental breakfas
n. 用餐者 diner
n.最後晚餐 last supper
n.早餐会报 power breakfast
n.共祝圣餐者 concelebrant
n.早餐;午餐 dejeuner
n. 自助餐厅 cafeteria
n.西餐用大盘 dinner plate
n.成套的餐具 dinner set
n.食物;餐食 eats
n.餐券;饭票 meal ticket
n. 进餐时间 mealtime
n. 餐,食量 repast
n.切肉用的餐刀 carving knife
n.茶馆;小餐馆 caff
n. 杯,圣餐杯 chalice
n.各付各之聚餐 Dutch treat
n.圣餐台;祭坛 Lord's table
n.路边餐饮服务 curb service
n.可伸缩的餐桌 concertina table
n. 晚餐,正餐 dinner
n. 整套的餐具 dinnerware
n. 扁平的餐具 flatware
n.僧院中之餐厅 fratry
n.圣餐;圣餐物 housel
n.小酒店;餐馆 porterhouse
n.试验餐;试吃 test meal
v. 用正餐,进餐 dine
n.小餐馆;小菜馆 cookshop
n.餐桌上的健谈者 deipnosophist
n.伙食房;餐具室 bottlekhana

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