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中文 英文
to reach;to arrive;to leave for
达到 to achieve
报到 to report for duty
找到 find
遇到 run into;meet
想到 to think of
闻到 smell
提到 to mention
说到 to speak of;to mention
签到 to sign in
临到 to reach;to approach
开到 arrive
回到 back in;go back
赶到 arrive to
到期 to expire;to fall due
到达 to reach;to get to
到处 everywhere

中文 英文
提到 at the mention of
到场 be on the scene
迟到 be late for
到达 arrive in
达到 come up to
走到 walk up to
考虑到 allow for
观察到 become conscious of
觉察到 be on to
到如今 by now
可看到 command a view of
到市区 go downtown
到目前 up to the present da
到那时候 by then
得到消息 hear from
突然想到 it occurs to someone
一年到头 year in and year out
到最後一刻 at the last minute
达到平均数 average out
到达;执政 be in
到处;遍及 all over the world
遍及;到处 all over
取得;到达 arrive at
到某种程度 a certain degree
得到;接受 come in for
达到最高点 come to a head
到手;接到 come to hand
作梦;梦到 dream about
排队;到期 fall in
谈到;至於 in the matter of
达到;度量 measure up
想起;想到 occur to
v. 到,有 adsum
n.货到付款 cash on delivery
n.到达要点 come to the point
n. 迟到者 latecomer
n.到任国书 letters of credence
v.到处寻找 look around
遭遇到;得到 meet with
核票登机;报到 check in
常到女性卧房者 chamberer
对..感到满意 be satisfied with
联接到网络上. Online
分离;拉到一边 draw apart
从一地到另一地 from one place to an
从一端到另一端 from side to side
对..感到高兴 glad at
听说;接到消息 hear about
到船上;在船上 on board
n.接受;收到 receival

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