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中文 英文
分别 to part;to leave;difference
分辨 to tell the difference
分贝 decibel
非分 undeserved
处分 to dispose of;to take disciplinary action against
充分 ample;sufficient
成分 ingredient;component
本分 one's responsibility;one's duty
辈分 position in the family hierarchy
分手 to break up;to part company
分神 to distract
分散 to disperse
分遣 to dispatch
分批 in batch
分母 the denominator
分泌 secrete
分离 to separate;to part
分类 to classify
分局 police precinct office
分界 to delimit
分家 to divide up family property
分红 to get bonus
积分 integral calculus;accumulated points
划分 to divide
刮分 share together
公分 centimeter
福分 share of happiness allotted by destiny
分钟 minute
分心 to be distracted
分析 to analyze;analysis
分发 to hand out;to distribute
分店 branch
分担 the share the burden
零分 no marks;zero
评分 to grade;to give a mark
平分 to divide equally
十分 fully;very;extremely;ten points
身分 identity
区分 to classify;to distinguish
万分 extremely;very
养分 nutrient
一分 cent;penny
职分 official duties
五分熟 medium rare
微积分 differential and integral calculus
四分卫 quarter back
七分熟 medium well
六分仪 sextant
军分区 a military sub-area
记分员 scorekeeper;marker

中文 英文
分配 deal out
分成 divide into
分配 divide out
分割 divide up
分红 give a piece of cake
平分 go halves
分发 hand out
分发 hand round
分开 untwine
大部分 a majority of
有几分 kind of
有失身分 beneath one's dignit
n. 分 cent
n.分力 component of forces
n.满分 full mark
充分利用 make the most of
n.分针 minute hand
连接部分 pontes
n.春分 vernal equinox
四分之一的 a quarter of
n. 分娩 childbearing
n. 分娩 childbirth
n. 分贝 decibel
v. 分解 decompose
n.微分学 differential calculu
n.分散剂 dispersant
n. 分解 dissolution
v. 分歧 diverge
n. 分歧 divergence
n.分泌学 eccrinology
n.外分泌 ectocrine
n. 分册 fascicule
n.假分数 improper fraction
n.积分学 integral calculus
n.内分泌 internal secretion
n.分子式 molecular formula
n.分子量 molecular weight
n.五分仪 quintant
区分A与B tell a from b
n.分节孢子 arthrospore
n.淀粉分解 amylolysis
n.六分仪座 Sextans
a. 分叉的 biforked
n. 等分线 bisectrix
n.分类广告 classified ad
n.分类广告 classified advertise
n.分生孢子 conidiophore
n.八分音符 croma
n.虚悬分词 dangling participle
v. 使分散 deconcentrate

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